Tag: [RAGE] Web: Offizielle Website Fans: 52 Erstellt: 29.12.2011


Maximum platoon size is 20, hiring is open.

We're looking for "mature" players:
Age over 20 years (25+ preferred) ... BRAINS!
No whining crybabies (of any age) allowed.
Colonel Rank 45+
SPM 500+
K/D 1.5+
Must have Premium! Go make some money and buy it.
Activity on TS.
Advanced Team Player.
If you are just a metro meat-grinder, go away.
We hunt Lemmings so we do not accept them.

We don't care about your nationality as long as you can communicate in English and you are not a redneck.

TS3 server:
ts.fakaheda.eu:7915 - heslo u KingEvilJack, czqwerty nebo Trakth0r / password from KingEvilJack, czqwerty or Trakth0r

Maximalni pocet lidi v cete je 20. Nabirame!
Pozadavky pro vstup:

Minimalni vek 20+ (25+ vyhodou) - Nactileti maji smulu.
Bud normalni a nebrec..
Plukovnik (rank 45).
Skore za minutu 500+
K/D 1.5+
Vyzaduju Premium! Bezte si vydelat a kupte si to.
Musi chodit na TS.
Pokud hrajes jenom metro masakry bez jinam.
Schopny tymovy hrac!
Lemmingy behajici po bojisti jako cvicne cile nechceme, nauc se hrat a pak se prihlas.

Platoon stats: http://bf3stats.com/leaderboard/cA9IRhlJMe
Upcoming events / Announcements - Planovane akce / Oznameni :

Only Pub Pwnage.



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