Beginner Clan Matches
The Purpose of this platoon is to have a single place where leaders/officers of respective clans can organise
scrims/matches with each other.
You have to be a platoon leader/founder to be able to join. Your platoon should have atleast 20 members and must be competitive. You must prove your platoon is competition minded and thus ready for scrims (edit your platoon presentation) otherwise your application will be denied. As there is only room for 100 members, inactive users in this platoon will be kicked to make room for new competitive platoon leaders/founders.
1. Both clan leaders form a party and join an empty server. If one needs to switch teams he does so asap
2. Once that is done each clan leader will inform his clan mates to use the XMB option and "Join Session" which
will put u on the correct team regardless of how many on the other side.
3. Play and have fun!
>>>Squad Rush Ladder<<<
Season: April 10th-June10th
Prizes: YES
Signups: OPEN
>>>Pro Squad Rush ladder<<<
Season: TBA
Buy-in: 10 FN credits per team
Prizes 50-300$
>>>Grand Conquest Ladder<<<
Season: April 15th-June 1st
Signups: OPEN!
Prizes: YES
Beginner Clan Matches RULES
Any platoon that sets up a game and does not show up will be kicked. Please do not waste people's time. If you can not make it please give other platoon 24 hours notice, so they can try set up a new game. Thanks.
If you have a game and some of your players dont show up and are short of players try one of these guys..
For any of you guys looking 8V8 action join here
LIST OF CLANS-------------------------PLAYERS NAME
(WHz)The War Houndz----Thecrankk--
(WSI)Wig Splitters INC----i__manny__i
(DSRP)Dirty Southern RatPack----flyseyes108
(UNA)United Nations Army----greensnake12345
(DOCe)Devil's Own Commandos Elite---P1r0d0x
(PON)Pull Out Ninjas----mdoja
(UKSF)UK Special Forces---shaun-wr009
(KzGz)KILLzONE GAMERz ESPAÑA----MatiasMuril or MatiasMurillo
(6PK)6PARK II----SlayerXX17
(TE5)Tactical Elite Squad---xFLASH-UK
(LXIX)Oregon Danksters----2pacisdead0723
(MLTA)MILITIA---- powpow1212
(99)99% Inte Helt Hundra---MickeBox
(PSK)Portguese Sofa Killers---davidromaneir
SINNERS & SAINTS---Leestone222269
(ESO)x-ELITE SPECIAL Ops-x----lI__Pr3CiOuS__II
(BOSS)BOSS Nation---atlshawty1
(apeX)apeX Gaming----ad-uk-
(QxT)Quantic Takedown----tKd_KUSH1NAT0R / tKd_Mr_P
(BFB)Battlefield Brothers----wes1973
(dVb)Valhalla Mercenaries----2hano
(SoD)SOLDiERS OF DEsERT----mido05
(1F1K) One Fight One kill-----philipbursee479, xSandiegoX , iRockhoezz
(GoH)Guards Of honor----Shahab102
(2CEP)2D Combat Engineer Plt----JSU_TANK
(EcRF)EcR Frontline Infantry----badnewz013
(K1NG)Kings of the North----K1NG_Psykosam
(NZ)New Zealand----supernatural35
(THc)THC Gaming----jfahie or HALI_LONEWOLF
(MAK)Mighty ass kickers----wim781255
(AST)Advanced Seal Team----CrazyAlColez
(cF)console Faction----IMuI2dErI
(RG)The Red Guard----Grezkev
(TLN)TalonStrikeForce----TECH-SARGE or Dexter1029
(sCRO)Spec. division CROATIA----Jack_Daniels5555
(IC)Infinite Caliber----HSElite
(UK)United Killers BF3----andrea-eggett93
(WoF)Warriors of Fortune----hellbringer_00
(1st)1st Marines Battalion----Juni10k-----BF3
(SOFU)*Spec Ops Field Unit*----richard_yan
(RpG)Respect pro Gamers----H1TM4N-_BaD_-KsA
(FK)FULLTIME KILLERS----Sneintzville
(XDE) XDE clan gaming ---- ownzorr
(QD)Clan "Quacking Duck"----misha16-16
(LAGS)L.A Gaming Society----Tx3089
(ICKY)I'll Cut and Kill you----ruphold
(SRS)Swedish Rangers Squad----Molllee
(TGC)The Gun Circus----TGCBEAST
(HH)Hardcore Heroes----kieranovks
(SLO)Team Slovenija----elloco07
(tDn)Total Domination----xRustyDustyx or Tav0_04
(VK)Violent Killers----KennyKiller1
(KYJ)KYJ Special Forces----CheseBurgr_Eddy
(HR)Hells Rejects----TheMightyJables
(RVN)The Ravens----RVN_StoneHeart1
(GRN)clan Netherlands----JayTee050
(SoA)Sons of Anarchy----FUNEE420
(VVV)Veni Vidi Vici----suya91
(13th)13th MEU----high_roller1129
(FKQ)FKQ STANDARD----sweettypi
(MFH)Murderz For Hire----xMFHxSoULReAvEr
(TBH)The Brotherhood----xWalther
(FaZe)FaZe clan----matthias156
(PUP)Pros under Pressure----Zakkobonko1
(AoD)Army of Death----RIRHA
(eC)Eagle Claw----ll_StrANgeR_ll
(UAF)United Allied Front----mrbf3786
(PHI)Pro Hic Immortalis----Hold_emHigh11213
(ASK)A Silence Killer----Ricardogsxr
(LGN) Legion----LGN___skuirrel
(TKo) Tactical Kaos & Order----x_MadMackie_x
scrims/matches with each other.
You have to be a platoon leader/founder to be able to join. Your platoon should have atleast 20 members and must be competitive. You must prove your platoon is competition minded and thus ready for scrims (edit your platoon presentation) otherwise your application will be denied. As there is only room for 100 members, inactive users in this platoon will be kicked to make room for new competitive platoon leaders/founders.
1. Both clan leaders form a party and join an empty server. If one needs to switch teams he does so asap
2. Once that is done each clan leader will inform his clan mates to use the XMB option and "Join Session" which
will put u on the correct team regardless of how many on the other side.
3. Play and have fun!
>>>Squad Rush Ladder<<<
Season: April 10th-June10th
Prizes: YES
Signups: OPEN
>>>Pro Squad Rush ladder<<<
Season: TBA
Buy-in: 10 FN credits per team
Prizes 50-300$
>>>Grand Conquest Ladder<<<
Season: April 15th-June 1st
Signups: OPEN!
Prizes: YES
Beginner Clan Matches RULES
Any platoon that sets up a game and does not show up will be kicked. Please do not waste people's time. If you can not make it please give other platoon 24 hours notice, so they can try set up a new game. Thanks.
If you have a game and some of your players dont show up and are short of players try one of these guys..
For any of you guys looking 8V8 action join here
LIST OF CLANS-------------------------PLAYERS NAME
(WHz)The War Houndz----Thecrankk--
(WSI)Wig Splitters INC----i__manny__i
(DSRP)Dirty Southern RatPack----flyseyes108
(UNA)United Nations Army----greensnake12345
(DOCe)Devil's Own Commandos Elite---P1r0d0x
(PON)Pull Out Ninjas----mdoja
(UKSF)UK Special Forces---shaun-wr009
(KzGz)KILLzONE GAMERz ESPAÑA----MatiasMuril or MatiasMurillo
(6PK)6PARK II----SlayerXX17
(TE5)Tactical Elite Squad---xFLASH-UK
(LXIX)Oregon Danksters----2pacisdead0723
(MLTA)MILITIA---- powpow1212
(99)99% Inte Helt Hundra---MickeBox
(PSK)Portguese Sofa Killers---davidromaneir
SINNERS & SAINTS---Leestone222269
(ESO)x-ELITE SPECIAL Ops-x----lI__Pr3CiOuS__II
(BOSS)BOSS Nation---atlshawty1
(apeX)apeX Gaming----ad-uk-
(QxT)Quantic Takedown----tKd_KUSH1NAT0R / tKd_Mr_P
(BFB)Battlefield Brothers----wes1973
(dVb)Valhalla Mercenaries----2hano
(SoD)SOLDiERS OF DEsERT----mido05
(1F1K) One Fight One kill-----philipbursee479, xSandiegoX , iRockhoezz
(GoH)Guards Of honor----Shahab102
(2CEP)2D Combat Engineer Plt----JSU_TANK
(EcRF)EcR Frontline Infantry----badnewz013
(K1NG)Kings of the North----K1NG_Psykosam
(NZ)New Zealand----supernatural35
(THc)THC Gaming----jfahie or HALI_LONEWOLF
(MAK)Mighty ass kickers----wim781255
(AST)Advanced Seal Team----CrazyAlColez
(cF)console Faction----IMuI2dErI
(RG)The Red Guard----Grezkev
(TLN)TalonStrikeForce----TECH-SARGE or Dexter1029
(sCRO)Spec. division CROATIA----Jack_Daniels5555
(IC)Infinite Caliber----HSElite
(UK)United Killers BF3----andrea-eggett93
(WoF)Warriors of Fortune----hellbringer_00
(1st)1st Marines Battalion----Juni10k-----BF3
(SOFU)*Spec Ops Field Unit*----richard_yan
(RpG)Respect pro Gamers----H1TM4N-_BaD_-KsA
(FK)FULLTIME KILLERS----Sneintzville
(XDE) XDE clan gaming ---- ownzorr
(QD)Clan "Quacking Duck"----misha16-16
(LAGS)L.A Gaming Society----Tx3089
(ICKY)I'll Cut and Kill you----ruphold
(SRS)Swedish Rangers Squad----Molllee
(TGC)The Gun Circus----TGCBEAST
(HH)Hardcore Heroes----kieranovks
(SLO)Team Slovenija----elloco07
(tDn)Total Domination----xRustyDustyx or Tav0_04
(VK)Violent Killers----KennyKiller1
(KYJ)KYJ Special Forces----CheseBurgr_Eddy
(HR)Hells Rejects----TheMightyJables
(RVN)The Ravens----RVN_StoneHeart1
(GRN)clan Netherlands----JayTee050
(SoA)Sons of Anarchy----FUNEE420
(VVV)Veni Vidi Vici----suya91
(13th)13th MEU----high_roller1129
(FKQ)FKQ STANDARD----sweettypi
(MFH)Murderz For Hire----xMFHxSoULReAvEr
(TBH)The Brotherhood----xWalther
(FaZe)FaZe clan----matthias156
(PUP)Pros under Pressure----Zakkobonko1
(AoD)Army of Death----RIRHA
(eC)Eagle Claw----ll_StrANgeR_ll
(UAF)United Allied Front----mrbf3786
(PHI)Pro Hic Immortalis----Hold_emHigh11213
(ASK)A Silence Killer----Ricardogsxr
(LGN) Legion----LGN___skuirrel
(TKo) Tactical Kaos & Order----x_MadMackie_x
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