Tag: [SLYR] Fans: 23 Erstellt: 05.06.2012


Welcome to SLAYERS!
Our Record 3-0

Slay: To Kill Violently

" We Join, We Dominate, We Win, We Leave"

If you apply to join the clan, We will accept you into the Platoon, Then give you a tryout. That being said if your interested in trying out contact one of the leaders within 2 days of being added so that we can schedule your tryout . If you do not meet the clans standards, You will be KICKED FROM THE PLATOON. If you would like more info on how you did not meet the Clans requirements please contact one of the leaders


***CLOSED*** [] ***OPEN***[ x]

Must be mic'd up with the ability to talk over Skype.
Be mature. (18+, Willing to make an exception for younger players if they act respectful to all other members.)
430 SPM+ (If your SPM is around there when you join, it's only going one way and that is up.)
Willing to take directions. This might be a video game, but the leaders of this clan are very experienced players and know what we are doing so if we give a call out, do it and watch what happens.
Have a sense of humor and understand the language of SARCASM.


[][][]____ - Clan RULES - ____[][][]
-Respect your clan members, if you have a problem contact a leader
- Learn to take a joke and be able to have fun
- Be ready to learn
- Have a skype account
- Follow the Number One rule : PTFO or GTFO
We Are Currently recruiting-
2 Jet Pilots
2 Chopper Teams (Gunner & Pilot)
2 Tank Teams
3 Supports
2 Engineers
3 Medics

[][][]____ - How you can help the clan out- ____[][][]
We currently have a server up and running, but it is only a one month rental. Please contact TheShowStoppah to help keep it alive.

[][][]__________UPCOMING SCHEDULE__________[][][]

12v12 SLAYERS vs SEVEN (3-0) WIN
4v4 SLAYERS vs Task Force Operations (3-0) WIN
12v12 SLAYERS vs Tactical Response Unit (3-0) WIN



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