9. Divisioona Suomi
Pelaamme kaikkea muuta paitsi normi conquestia.
We are looking for CQD, TDM, rush, sq rush matches and anything except normal conquest any day of the week 'cos we have no personal lifes. if you want to challenge us contact any of the leaders. From KSA? don't bother
Ne jotka ei tiedä mitä 9. divisioona meinaa niin KVG.
Only finnish members.
✯ "3rd" Place of Finnish 5-man masters ✯
9DiS Vs AKW, Aim to Kill to Win 4-0 (Squad Rush)
9DiS Vs BKC, BlacK Colonels ELiT3 4-0 (Domination)
9DiS Vs AKW, Aim to Kill to Win 4-0 (Squad Rush)
Finnish 5-man masters turnee:
9DiS Vs lol, Legion of lo.Osers 3-1
9DiS Vs FPH, Finnish Publa Heroes 2-2 (lose by tickets)
9DiS Vs RS, Retardet Supermans 4-0
9DiS Vs eXe, Executors 4-0
9DiS Vs 1on2 4-0
9DiS Vs ZfS, Ziele für die Schweine 4-0
9DiS Vs 5oN, Give me back my 5v5 0-4
Tulevat matsit:
5 vs 5 turnee
We are looking for CQD, TDM, rush, sq rush matches and anything except normal conquest any day of the week 'cos we have no personal lifes. if you want to challenge us contact any of the leaders. From KSA? don't bother
Ne jotka ei tiedä mitä 9. divisioona meinaa niin KVG.
Only finnish members.
✯ "3rd" Place of Finnish 5-man masters ✯
9DiS Vs AKW, Aim to Kill to Win 4-0 (Squad Rush)
9DiS Vs BKC, BlacK Colonels ELiT3 4-0 (Domination)
9DiS Vs AKW, Aim to Kill to Win 4-0 (Squad Rush)
Finnish 5-man masters turnee:
9DiS Vs lol, Legion of lo.Osers 3-1
9DiS Vs FPH, Finnish Publa Heroes 2-2 (lose by tickets)
9DiS Vs RS, Retardet Supermans 4-0
9DiS Vs eXe, Executors 4-0
9DiS Vs 1on2 4-0
9DiS Vs ZfS, Ziele für die Schweine 4-0
9DiS Vs 5oN, Give me back my 5v5 0-4
Tulevat matsit:
5 vs 5 turnee
Keine Ereignisse zum Anzeigen vorhanden