Tag: [SE] Web: Official website Fans: 40 Created: 2012-03-11

Platoon Presentation


1. A person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.

Sworn Enemy is divided into two (2) platoons, one friendly and the other competitive. SE is the primary platoon designed for social networking and for members to squad up and have fun playing the objective. FIFTH COLUMN is the sub-unit of SE, for elite members who participate in clan matches.

All members are leaders. We have a Facebook group, which can be found by searching SWORN ENEMY BF3 CLAN. Although it is not required to join the group, if you intend on participating with us in clan skirmishes, we highly recommend you join as discuss strategy in private.

We expect communication, teamwork, and consistency from each member. We ask that all frequently check both Battlelog and our Facebook group for updates. If you plan to be absent, please contact us. Absence for extended period without notification will result to removal from the clan. You can however reapply pending the majority decision of members. We play together to have fun and to enjoy the game. But we can get serious, and we expect every member to do the same. We have a server available to the public. Also, we host clan matches, and members meet for practice on Fridays at 2pm (PST). Our Official Server is "Behind Enemy Lines"

"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy." Fredrich Nietzsche


1. Must be age 17 or older
2. Have an overall score per minute of 400
3. Kill/Death Ratio positive
4. Wear SE as your Clan Tag (in Battlelog) at all times
5. Have a headset, or at least use it during clan skirmishes.
6. Follow orders during clan skirmishes
7. Respect SE and each member
8. If you leave SE, you cannot return

EXCEPTIONS TO THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE MADE FOR THOSE INVITED TO JOIN. We are seeking dedicated and reliable team players only. So please do join us unless you are serious.

MESSAGE TO ALL OTHER CLANS: If you challenge us, the match will take place in our server. If you cancel on the day of the match without prior notification, we will not reschedule. We are willing to negotiate the rules and type of scrimmage.

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute each and every enemy of this Clan, and will to the best of my ability, avenge, protect and defend my brothers."


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