Aces High Gaming
Chapa: [Ace] Web: Sitio web oficial Fans: 50 Creado: 24-10-2011

Presentación de pelotón

///////// NOTE AS OF SEP 2013 //////////////////////
We now hang out at LevelBF. If you'd like to get a hold of us, we are on teamspeak. (info below)

Membership to [Ace] is now by Invite-Only. If you're interested in joining us, hit the apply button and stop by LevelBF and get to know us.

We are very interested in having occasional scrims with other BF clans. However, our main goal is comradeship, good times and most importantly, Fun! If you have this type of mentality, and attitude, then stop by and say hi. We'd love to get to know ya.

• Ages 21 and up are welcome only.
• Our website is (no longer active)
• Our Voice Server (Ventrilo): Port: 3794 (No Password)
• LevelBF Teamspeak: (no port, no pass).

We look forward to seeing you on the Battlefield!


Información de pelotón

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