Chapa: [Good] Fans: 12 Creado: 14-12-2012

Presentación de pelotón


"Do What You Must..I Can Careless..It Was For You Anyways...Leaders..Evolve This In Your Own Way....& Your Welcome For The Foundation..."

"Ya Know, Everybody so concerned about Heroine and Marijuana and all that...until they forget the most dangerous narcotic that exists...and thats the Narcotic thats injected to the minds of's called.... Social Narcotics. Mind.

Helllo, Hola, & Bonjour.
Welcome to the Platoon Good. "(%)"
To hold the balance of Right & Wrong, Love & Hate, Good & Evil. We nust rise up against the force together and conquer everything that comes in our path. That means all Kickers, Bannners, Hate Messagers, Idiot Teamates, Boosters, Shady Annoying Jealous Copycats, Haters, Liars, The full 100 teams that go against noobs, Non objective players who Kill for Kill/ Death ratio. and as for everybody else we shall recruit them so they can join the journey that has been bestowed upon this platoon.

The primary objective of Good is to destroy Evil. Good does not trash talk but states facts. Why be Good and have hate for somebody. This will be the kick chart;

Kick & Ban Chart

Kick Counter

Ban Counter

This will be here for how many times you haved been kicked throughout the day by owner servers.
Also we will have a place where you can put all the Good and Hate messages you recieve into a library of messages. I mean find those really good ones and post that up here. I know they can get interesting.

Good Messages Library
Example: My Friends - Yall will do Great Things in Life...and are very capable..Take one day at a Time and you will Accomplish..It only gets easier from Here - Seg100


Hate Messages Library
Example: Seg100-You are a C4 Whore..HaHa Squall your awesome.

1. Seg100 - noob -AndrejZukunft52
2. Seg100 - Grasshopping bitch 5v1 - BieBer4FeVerxX
3. Dangerdeal - booster -.IDropCampers
4. Dangerdeal -C4 scrub -MTO35 MF
5. Dangerdeal -get lost you probably don`t even know how to shoot a gun so you just blow people up - jordan dca
6. Good Platoon Page- I hate kids who sit in buildings all game with c4- wiwwarriorpride
7. Seg100 - you suck motherfucka - DavideGH
8. Seg100 - no sabes jugar sin c4 campero - makeijanboost
9. killakrall - I cant be your friend anymore - Seg100
10. Against Empyre - your no fucking life noob get a life bitch -FTG N1GHTW1NG
11. Seg100 - I Respect You - o Crazy II

Well this is Good and we all have a little bit of Good in all of us : )
Go fishing

EVIL platoon is made up of people who want to get points by actually playing the objective 100%. We consist of some of the overall best players in Battlefield history, but it doesn't mean that we're here just to bother people. The objective of this platoon is to get the most points possible in the least amount of time. This is the re-created version of the original ‘EVIL’ clan. There are few requirements to join, but that doesn't mean you can just join for fun. Here are some quick rules and regulations:
When first joining….
- Player must be here for points and fun; not for the faint of heart
- You MUST first speak to a leader or Carlos before joining
- (Optional) changing gamertag to end with Evil1 (Example) Example Evil1
When playing in a Multiplayer game…
- 100 star weapons are not preferred
- Scopes on a sniper less than 7x are not preferred
- Using a secondary weapon, i.e. (C4, Knife, RPG/SMAW, Repair Tool) is not preferred
When fighting in a clan battle…
- Respect other clan members and their way of fighting
- Follow the standard rules in normal Multiplayer games (Unless you are told differently by a leader)
- Do not get involved in the other clans actions unless told to (No starting problems!)
When problems occur…
If anything troubles you or makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell a leader or Carlos before making any major decisions. We are privileged to have you in EVIL and wouldn’t like to see you leave.
(If you break major rules or cause excessive problems, you will most likely be punished or requested to leave this platoon. Think before you speak)
Thank you for visiting EVIL platoon on Battlelog, we are glad that you are curious to join, or have already signed up.
- Visit and make yourself an Evil1 Twitter account to keep up with EVIL and the other members while away from Xbox.
☑ I have read and considered the rules listed above…
Welcome to EVIL platoon! You will most likely be greeted by Carlos
☒ I am still considering the rules or do not agree with them
This clan is most likely not for you, please reconsider or find more info on this platoon from a current EVIL member. Thank you for your time.
Later updates coming soon!

Come join:
Gamertag - Seg100
Gamertag - ROBTHERHINO512

Have A Good Day Everybody!

Dear seg100,

We are contacting you regarding your Battlefield3 Account.

Your account has been found to be in breach of our Terms of Service. The
following content that you have posted on Battlelog violates our Harassment

“[Player name] is a hoe byyyyyye hahaha”

Please be aware that no further action has been taken at this time, however to
help prevent any further violations from occurring we strongly encourage you to
familiarise yourself with our Terms of Service, as repeated violations may
result in suspension or account closure.

Our Terms of Service can be found here:

Thank you for your understanding.

EA Customer Service Customer Relations

Just a reminder ^ Follow this and you will be Free.......

Yeah fuck this platoon and their arrogant rules...I mean its not Carlos its all the other emotional bitches...If youd like to play with them... dont do anything they dont approve or youll just kicked mainly instabanned. Then you message one and theyll say you didnt follow their fairy rules that gurantee a win against a bunch of noobs...Good try... trying to switch to their team they will just switch you to the opposing team..Yeah fuck your approval I could C4 Osama and if Evil were the president they would just have shipped me on a bannana boat all the way to Antartica thus making World War 3 in the process....Evil your not special we are all Gamers.....and so the next time you join their server make sure you follow their rules..because im done with this whiny Kid shit..Some Butthurt Ass Evil members are scared of The C4 Masters...True all are the annoying ones..I hope one day you see it my way and change...Also I will be making the Platoon [GOOD] Have a great day
Ya know I was Evil but now I am Good. 4 The presentation it shouldnt take but 30 minutes.

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