fuck your kind
Plaque: [h8r] Fans: 17 Créé: 30-10-2011

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"fuck your kind" platoon is for mature gamers that enjoy team comradary, can squad up and get along and have fun while working as a well organized unit dealing death and taking the objective. Continually supporting other squad mates as the situation dictates. Team work is FUCKING HUGE, cant stress that enough.........The h8r clan is indescriminate, we hate everyone equally.

>Tea bagging is acceptable being that it can be a great strategy to enrage the enemy to forget basic battlefield tactics and rush blindly from cover and into walls of suppressive fire just to sate his desire for revenge and end in his own demise. Works more than most ppl think.. hahaha!

>No hating on fellow clan members, you don't like someone, deal with it or fucking leave. Be freakin mature.

>Over abundance of demeaning arrogance will more than likely not be tolerated for long, so you better be THAT fucking good to back your "hot air?" and even then, if your attitude blows to bad........


>Represent h8r with respect, dignity and honor when you can: sometimes you just need to be a dick and or bitch... use "descretion"

>members always welcome...

>now get back to the battlefield and fuck some shit up!!!

excuse grammatical errors and spelling being that i was inebriated when I wrote this. I'll fix later......maybe hahaha. Have fun guys!!!

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