Hell Sent 666
タグ: [H6S] ウェブ: 公式ウェブサイト ファン: 39 作成済み: 2012-06-06


Hell Sent 666 is Clan made up of the best player who work as a team on there squad. Every new member must have a mic to join .Cause giving your team mates intel is a must. We are all brother NO MATTER RACES OR SEX. ( SEX MEANING FEMALE OR MALES) So if you do have a problem with some one RACE OR SEX . YOUR PUNK ASS DONT NEED TO BE IN THIS CLAN! My name is Kevin , I'M the creator of Hell Sent 666. The Clan have 7 leaders up under me . Crotch is my left hand man and Glockfist is my right hand man. BIG AL is a new leader is stand in for Croch still he come back. We have Cheffy , Staydown, Trigger and Big AL are leaders as well Ubermonkey in the UK who over the members in his area. Since he have a different time zone. SO TO ALL NEW MEMBERS WHEN YOU JOIN THIS AWESOME CLANS . BE SURE TO SEND ME THE CLAN FOUNDER AND ALL LEADERS A FRIEND INVITE ON BBF3 LOG AND PS3 NETWORK. king6ms is my ps3 name. OH YEAH TO ALL MEMBERS ME STABBING YOU IS A MUST . I GOT TO GET THEM TAGS. LOL, You can try to get mine if you can but it will be hard, lol. If anyone is interested joining a COOL and AWESOME platoon! please do join

