Pro Moroccan Gamers
タグ: [PmG] ウェブ: 公式ウェブサイト ファン: 11 作成済み: 2013-07-17


This is the Community page of Pro Moroccan Gamers 'PMG', this platoon is made to regroupe all the Moroccans good players. Being in this platoon means that you are a good Moroccan player, a player who have more than skills. So to join us, just make a request and wait to see your case.

-Our rules:
1.Being respectful.
2.Being Mature.
3.Have an account on Skype, or join us on TS.
4.Being active, unless 1 time per week.
5.Being a good player as well.

So welcome to All Moroccans !

