Elite Military Force
タグ: [EMF] ファン: 2 作成済み: 2014-03-02


Military Simulation clan for advanced players. Must be 15+ years old and have a working mic. We are currently recruiting so message me if you want to join.
Leader: ReadyBasilisk99 (Distinct Siren 36)

Branch Leaders:
Air Force - I EM POTATO
Army - Almin57313
Marines - Herbertluvsyou
Special Operations - TO EASY BRO
SEALs - ACM x ROX x 9 (flyingv9)
Ghost -
**These are the gamertags on xbox live, so friends these leaders.**

1. Must be 15+ years old to join EMF
2. Must use EMF in their clan tag especially during clan battles
3. Must have a working microphone to communicate
4. Must be level 25+ (enlisted) to join but higher ranks allows better branches. To get into SEALs and Special Operations, you must be level 30+ (enlisted) and to get into Ghost, you must be flat Colonel (rank 45 or higher).

Have fun and enjoy! See ya out on the battlefield!
