A Class In Destruction
Tag: [ACID] Fani: 3 Stworzono: 02.12.2011

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A Class In Destruction , a south east UK based platoon slowly growing in numbers, usually a squadful most evenings between 5pm and 1 am.

Conquest247 (Kev) founder.
Plays largely as Assault and engineer, has been seen with a sniper rifle occasionally, but usually not hitting much.

Totenkopf bob (Bob)
A jack of all trades, totally useless at piloting anything that isn't a MAV, Loves using his knife.

keene oh (Andy keeneo)
A top engineer and ammo guy, takes great pleasure in jumping in a tank and mutilating anything in sight.

DiffuseRaven (james)
a dedicated assault and engineer, very similar to Conquest 247, there with the shock paddles and plasters when you fuck up.

Slater Furious (paul)
a big fan of shooting people from distances and getting those recon unlocks

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