Emergency Medical Team
Tag: [EMT] Sieć: Strona oficjalna Fani: 1 Stworzono: 17.12.2011

Prezentacja plutonu

This platoon is dedicated to those medics that don't care how many grenades just landed on your body.. we need to save that soldier. To the medic that goes 2 and 25 but still gets 11k points because he drops med packs like a fucking boss. This platoon is for the medics that see all those fallen teammates and can only do one thing in their mind.. pull out the paddles and start playing patty cake with the bodies.

Acceptance is free, this is for fans and people that play medic alike. Feel free to tag up [EMT] and group up and go defib somebody that decided they wanted to play catch with a grenade or decided that they wanted to peak while reloading.


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