CAK Bravo Company
Tag: [CAK] Fani: 20 Stworzono: 29.12.2011

Prezentacja plutonu

This is the most current up to date revised Bravo Company roster and practice schedule.

There is going to be at least one leader on during all practice times.

We would like to see everyone on at least two of these Five practice times:

Weekday practice times are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday @ 8:30pm EST

Weekend practice times are Saturday and Sunday @ 6:30pm EST

If this schedule is a problem for you let me know ASAP
As I have only collected half of Bravo's time zones, please message me yours via xbox or battlelog

A Squad (Offense/Air)
-RSVip225 - Squad Leader

B Squad (Defense/Armor)
-Lazy - Squad Leader

C Squad (Float Squad)
-Satan - Squad Leader


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