European Cup 5v5
Tag: [5v5] Sieć: Strona oficjalna Fani: 40 Stworzono: 12.10.2012

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✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ BATTLEFIELD 3 EUROPEAN CUP XBOX 360 ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯✯
ELIMINATORY to 32 teams.

The rules of the tournament: enroll European platoons and they have to inscribe in the description their 5 titulars that will play the tournament
Restrictions: ESL (No MAV, No M320, No beacon, No shotguns No DLC`s weapons no C4 and claymores no t-ugs, no glitching, no m93raffica)
Eliminatory direct to higher %TIkets of 2 matches
Create eliminartory BinaryBeast

Mode: normal
Friendly fire: Enabled
Teambalance: Disabled
Tickets: 100%
Number of rounds: set to 2
Killcam: Disabled
Squadleader Spawn: Disabled
Kick inactive members: Maximum
Teamkill before a player gets kicked: Maximum
Ban players after they got kicked for Teamkill: Maximum
Vehicles: Disabled
Health regeneration: Enabled
Show minimap: Enabled
Show HUD: Enabled
Use Minimapsighting: Enabled
Use 3D Sight: Disabled
3P-Vehiclecamera: Enabled
Show Nametags of the enemys: Enabled
Respawn time in %: 100%
Time of the player dead in %: 100%
Players health in %: 100%
Bullet damage modifier in %: 100%
Random starting map: Disabled


1 - OMEGA Competitive (exewuu, Danimovich, Nakamura, VID15, SwA91) Spanish
2 - raZorz eSport (AceGhostWarrior, riderhermes, xboxsergio, CaracolEspañol, A FriskyBiscuit) Spanish
3 - RUNE Competitive (RUNE Abzur, Pankflanzer, Dariosos, R1kz, piromanohk) Spanish
4 - Titanium eSport (alexqr32, diegocogollos, tsuba80, Fonso3, Roberpro777) Spanish
5 - TSoG (Presacanario17, pablolp97, Edureus, Esp only, WipeRLopx) Spanish
6 - ORNIS (dainkin, Topede, mvs777, iqer, fireman, imc Luxor) Spanish
7 - AreS eSport (DeeXuim, Alex, Amazing, Brutus, Toxic, Selene) France
8 - Pumba La Pumba (nL xDan1el XTX , OverJhonny , Miih69 , PREDADOR1986 , XxManduxX) Italy
9 - Aw3some (Reflex, BlacK, Tchad, SpKy, FeAk, FuRiaa) France
10 - mythiX (Bios, Furious, Fegeon, Julio, oraxe, Deceptiveh) France
11 - Phenom Gaming ( Duffmaan, Reggae, Panda, Rockets, Stoivantor ) UK
12 - eVolved Soldiers RuckFules (MasKaGaZ (c), Scream, Kana, DeXt0r, Skeight, AnThrax ) France
13 - SynC | eSport (iMonster, v Hpnotiq, Mr Zen x, xTraviss, xUnholyGod) UK
14 - Team CDN (B Job, Ste76, Spili, J1MB0, A i m b o t) Italy
15 - PVP (PVP Usiu PL, PVP Marcin2545, Sulejkis90, Duki PL, Hrynio91PL) Poland
16 - Dynamic (Dynamic_Template, Dynamic_JMS, Dynamic_Pawel, iRainsz & DynamicNemesis)UK
17 - TNQF (whatshedid, shanoxNL, AintDreamz, Jarl Erak, oORuMadBroOo) NL
18 - FsD (Muddefunkarz, ToBi4DeAd cF, Impresivee, Dignitas, XxxBABYKILLA) EU
19 - Dioses del Porno (VulcanoSJ, Smoki, Comando Marc, Rafaelnikov, Dako) Spanish
20 - NOVA Eclipse (Zetor, Frad, Flo, Yoyo, Ultraa ) France
21 - OutcastS (Skar, Mich , SkrolK , SanKa , Guff ( remplaçant ) Wobble) France
22 - InFamouS (Asphar, Mahaji, Seifer, Nefast, Miji) France
23 - DynastY (Sebbeparra96 (Leader) - oODualKillerOo - TheNewXic9 - Stewee350 - cero013) Spain
24 - TNT (T a c I T i x, kamikazecroco, Icet4you, Codkiller, Grube_II_x_F3AR) German
25 - The Bobby'S (MIsterB, Rios, KeKe, MaGiK, Diiamon) France
26 - SynTox (Anis, Blackii, Wha44, Vince, Demo, ShaDow) France
27 - King's Elite Squad (WiinniixX 56, x lBlaCkThunDeR, iiKen, Risto Risto, knumz) EU
28 - KWB (KWB DajMiBit, KWB Dejw, KWB Daras, KWB Ciemny, Rumcajs) Poland
29 - JPEX Don Lachs ,( JPEX IvyKubi,JPEX Sarkartis,Sternhagens Bro,JPEX Sternhagen) Deustcheland
30 - BlackBird Squad (Delco, Papix, Smock, Drake, Hirea.) France
31 - ApeX (Ghost, Subako, Pyrom4n, Startiss, ii LoGiiC zZ) France
32 - paperTIGER (psycho, warrior, rottweiler, picanteburito, clansman115) EU

Silence eSport
Team SXY
Maps BO5 (Bazaar, Sena, Metro, Damavand, Teherán)

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