Nemesis: Scrim
Prezentacja plutonu
Members who have missed 3 training sessions without reason will be removed and sent over to casual platoon and replaced. You will recive a warning after 2 missed trainings
All players here will need to have their NMS tags on so it will be easier for the other side to know whose in during a match
It will be the responsibility of each group leader to work with their group in training and from that pick the people who have attended and follows instructions to take part in the scrim
-----Training session-----
Sunday 7pm GMT
All players here will need to have their NMS tags on so it will be easier for the other side to know whose in during a match
It will be the responsibility of each group leader to work with their group in training and from that pick the people who have attended and follows instructions to take part in the scrim
-----Training session-----
Sunday 7pm GMT
Informacje z plutonu
Nie ma więcej wydarzeń