Men Of Mayhem
Tag: [MoM] Fani: 63 Stworzono: 25.11.2011

Prezentacja plutonu

We came. We saw. We conquered.

Contact any of the platoon leaders to organise matches.

Clan battles are Friday nights at 9pm GMT +2 / SAST

Recruitment is unfortunately closed at the moment.

General platoon rules:

1. Add as many members as you can on Xbox Live and battlelog if possible, wear the MoM clan tags please.

2. Use your mic! Join in on a member's party if there is one. If you see more than 8 members in a match, switch the in-game voip to team chat.

3.All members to check battlelog for scrims every 48 hours please. . . Any problems contact 1 of the platoon leaders.

Informacje z plutonu

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