BattleStrats PC
Tag: [BS] Sieć: Strona oficjalna Fani: 58 Stworzono: 30.03.2012

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▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ BATTLESTRATS █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

Who We Are ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
We are BattleStrats, a global community of gamers that like to play for the objective and for the win. If having a good time with new and old friends in a casual and competitive environment is what you're looking for, you've found the right place.

Our Objectives
• To provide you with a community of gamers at your disposal to play, laugh and learn from
• To give you all the tools and resources you need to become a better and more active player

✔ A willingness to play the objective with a natural desire to win
✔ Have a working, active mic without excessive feedback/background noise
✔ Be courteous and respectful to fellow members
✔ Stay active at least once every month either in-game or on Battlelog
✘ No boosting, cheating or giving yourself an unfair advantage

We have no K/D, Skill or W/L requirements to join our community. Our competitive Elite division for PS3 does have specific requirements, please visit that platoon page below for more information.

BattleStrats PC - Official BattleStrats platoon for PC players:

BattleStrats - Primary platoon for active competitive and casual players:
BattleStrats 2nd Wave - Secondary platoon for committed, casual players:
BattleStrats 3rd Wave - Tertiary platoon suited for new and very casual players:
BattleStrats International - Platoon for any International players outside of North America:
BattleStrats Hardcore - Platoon for players interested in the Hardcore game mode:
BattleStrats Elite - Competitive platoon for members actively involved in Clan/Platoon matches:

BattleStrats Xbox - Official BattleStrats platoon for Xbox players:

★Battlefield 4★
[BS] BattleStrats | Unranked Private Practice | 100% Tickets | 4 Player Start | 16 Player Max | Free Beer | PTFO |
►Password is "PTFO"

[BS] BattleStrats Mumble VOIP Server
►Download Mumble at
►Label: BattleStrats
►Port: 6680
►Username: Your Desired User Name

Contact Us ✉ ☎
Website -
Email -
Private Member Forums (Email for Password)

Friends of BattleStrats ☮
The Red Dragon (Co-founder of BattleStrats, YouTube celebrity and gaming news junkie)
• YouTube -
• Website -
Better Battlelog (Browser Add-on for Battlelog). Get enhanced stats, graphs and hyperlink support!
• Website -

Upcoming Events/Matches ☠
• Saturday, July 12th at 8am EDT (14:00 CEST, 20:00 PHT) ★ BattleStrats BF4 PC Squad-Up! ★ [BS] Mumble Server ★

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