The Deck of Cards
Tag: [DECK] Fani: 26 Stworzono: 10.10.2012

Prezentacja plutonu

If You wish to Join or Have questions about our platoon please contact the following Aces: I HURT YOUR MUM, G0d 0f War 117 and chrisancrew and Finn

Rules Of The Deck Of Cards Platoon:

- If you cannot take Sarcastic jokes then this is not the clan for you. But if you do join and feel that you are getting picked on. Please Speak to the Jacks, Queens, Or kings.
-There are 5 Squads, And they go as the Different suits of cards. Spades, Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, and now the Jokers.

Rank Structure as Goes-

Spades ♠
King - SOTDxJoker
Queen - xxSAMWIFEYxx
Jack - HoneyBadger49

Diamonds ♦
King -
Queen -
Jack - Cigaherosam

Hearts ♥
Ace - God Of War 117
Queen - Skittles
Jack - Markgbornkper
10 - beardedboy69
9- Lord Tatu
8 - Mclovin420

Clubs ♣
Queen -
10 - Bydand
9 -
8 -

Jokers ㋡
Ace - chriancrew
King - diamondgeeza187
Queen -
Jack - GeneralGhost

And with that Anybody and everybody is welcome to join our Platoon for Xbox360
Have a Nice Day.

Code Of Cuntduct:

Every clan must have a code of conduct so that every member of said clan knows their place so therefore we shall have one and the rules are as follows:

1) The "Ace" of each suit is the highest ranking officer in the clan and shall be given the up most respect at all times.

2) The "King" of each suit is the next in order of rank and in the absance of the ACE's everyone shall regard them of clan bosses.

3) the Queens of each suit are the backbone of the clan and shall be responcible for disaplinary actions brought against any members or for removing of said member.

4) The Jack's shall be responcible for recruitment within the clan, although they are leaders they do not have the same authority as the Queen or King.

5) All DECK members will be put into their own squads (suit of cards) and shall remain in that suit.

6) under no curcimstance does any member complain to and Ace different to their own Ace, you deal with your own suit.

7) If the Ace is not on line at the time send them a message of complaint or of the topic you wish to discuss and wait for a reply, otherwise find another leader to speak with them within your own suit.

8) This is a drama free clan if you bring it you are out, no chances.

9) The only members that may give orders to other suits shall be Ace's and no one else.

11) Jokes will be made of all kinds but if you feel anoyed at any of them feel free to piss off out of the clan you sensitive assholes.

12) No one will be recruited below the age of 18 unless in extreme curcimstances.

13) When having fun, comms are free, but when in clan matches comms will be kept clear at all times for important information to be heard.

14) Anyone taking the piss and or raging over comms in a clan match will be given a tissue to wipe their tears and warned, do it again and you will be kicked from the match.

15) If there are two squads wanting to play in the clan match they will have a match against each other and the winning squad will be put forward to represent us.

16) There will be training for any one who wants or needs it, feel free to ask a leader for it.

17) All new recruits will have no rank for a period of two weeks before promotion and once promoted shall not move up the ranks until their Ace decides otherwise.

18) Training will be provided every weekend, saturday and sunday nights, satudarys will be spent practicing and sundays will be for putting the practice to the test.

19) if you miss 4 training sesions in a row you will receive a warning, failure to attend a further 4 sessions will mean demotion. Only personal reasons will be accepted for example anything not to do with xbox, not been arsed or wanting to play another game is no excuse guys or touching yourself.

20) The Jokers will be not not reserved for the dicks of the clan but will now be a extra suit of its own.
My spelling is really bad I know if you don't like it piss off

we have a new squad joining us most of which consist of really good players and one noob who uses rapid fire controllers. One of these players is diamondgeeza187, i expect you all to get over any anamosity you have for him as he will also for us.

Informacje z plutonu

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