The Bloody Militia
Tag: [TBM] Fans: 11 Created: 2012-05-09

Platoon Presentation

The Bloody Militia is the community branch. If you want a more militaristic experience you can apply to our MilSim branch, The Elite Horsemen:!/bf3/platoon/2832655241339638301/

E-1 Pvt Private
E-2 PFC Private First Class
E-3 LCpl Lance Corporal
E-4 Cpl Corporal
E-5 Sgt Sergeant
E-6 SSgt Staff Sergeant
E-7 GySgt Gunnery Sergeant
E-8 MSgt Master Sergeant
E-8 1stSgt First Sergeant
E-9 MGySgt Master Gunnery Sergeant
E-9 SgtMaj Sergeant Major
E-9Special SgtMajMarCor Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps

W-1 WO Warrant Officer
W-2 CWO2 Chief Warrant Officer 2
W-3 CWO3 Chief Warrant Officer 3
W-4 CWO4 Chief Warrant Officer 4
W-5 CWO5 Chief Warrant Officer 5

O-1 2ndLt Second Lieutenant
O-2 1stLt First Lieutenant
O-3 Capt Captain
O-4 Maj Major
O-5 LtCol Lieutenant Colonel
O-6 Col Colonel
O-7 BGen Brigadier General
O-8 MajGen Major General
O-9 LtGen Lieutenant General
0-10 Gen General

Platoon feed

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