Friendly 1v1 DogFights
Тэг: [F1v1] Фанаты: 9 Создано: 06.09.2012

Презентация взвода

You can only challenge players 1 above your rank.
The official DogFighing rules apply.
First to 4 wins will be declared the winner.
You must announce your challenge here first :)

1- M3N
2- Momo
3- Gargin
4- Skittles
5- Orange
6- Butters
7- Ash
8- Tok
9- Watering Cans
10- Fo0dy
11- Green Zone
12- Chinny195
13- FreedBlackDeath
14- xDownfallx
15- JacobBrianNine
16- SomeKindOfHope
17- Jaredmilzy

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