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Erstellt: 20.06.2015

139.323 / 141.000

1072S 46M
They Ruined Battlefield!

No members accepted under 25 years of age. Ranks decided by relative ages and bingo tournament.

The Old Men of the Battlefield rumble across plains with their zimmer frames armed to the teeth. Which they left at home. Because they forget them. Which was the style at the time.


Come get recked by guys twice your age with onions on their belts, which was the style at the time... Join and play on the "Git off my Dam Lawn" server!
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
As if I shouldn't be part of this - "thank the boys for talking me into playing again last night" :-/
8 years her
Aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back again...
8 years her
Aww I'm 3 years too young :'(
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
You can always join the junior platoon: OMIN
8 years her
Sure you are Leah
8 years her
Hey guys I was wondering if you wanted to vs us in a scrim sometime conquest or domination, regards LaZY Clan
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like
We don't scrim - we nap
8 years her
You people are not old, nuff said.
vor 8 Jahren • 1 Like
2 / 5 Kommentare Mehr lesen
hahahaha moist I'm not than darn old bahahahaha
8 years her
Moist I will rek you m8 - I am making my return tonight (again for the 2nd time this week).
8 years her
U old kents do friendly gamed no bull sheeeeet? 5s or 8s for fun ?
vor 8 Jahren • 0 Like