[SAK] Search And Kill

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Erstellt: 27.02.2014

14.394 / 24.000

214S 32M


So take Notice you dump worthless Primate! Youre whole Platoon is no Blacklisted in whole BF4! Also youre Owner " Carl_johnnson" is marked Dirtyplayer! We prefeer oyu stop insult us with youre crapping 3rd Partytools! Also this List is shared to every Serveradmin to prevent Scums like you! Oh in Case, if you rename dont WORRY we track you!
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
2 / 4 Kommentare Mehr lesen
Oh lulz, I'm sorry for not answering sooner, but because there's no notification, I haven't read your message up to now.
I always appreciate feedback!
I'm really sorry, if my visit on whatever server you met me, wasn't to your full satisfaction!

I'm sorry to inform you, that although 2 months have passed, since your last post, I'm still not banned on any server as of yet speaking. I'm sure that must be a mistake and thus I'm informing you, so that you can take care of it.

Due to the fact, that you traced my IP, you might want to visit me! I'll invite you to a beer and am even willing to pay for a proper English course!
For further information about my 3rd party program you might want to visit www.empty-threats.com
9 years her
8 years her