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Plus de contenu avec Battlefield Premium
Obtenez un accès anticipé aux cinq packs d'extension, recevez de nouveaux véhicules, de nouvelles armes et du contenu hebdomadaire, et profitez de contenu exclusif. Plus d'infos

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Packs d'extension inclus dans l'offre Premium

Jeu principal nécessaire
Battlefield 4™ China Rising Expansion Pack
Standard Edition
Fight across the Chinese mainland in four massive maps, using new vehicles and high-tech equipment.

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Battlefield 4™ Second Assault
Standard Edition
Fight it out across four of the best-loved, updated maps from Battlefield 3, with five new weapons, a new vehicle, and Capture the Flag mode!

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Battlefield 4™ Naval Strike
Standard Edition
Four all-new maps in the South China Sea provide excellent arenas for the new amphibious hovercraft!

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Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth
Standard Edition
Infantry-based combat expands across four extra maps and one additional multiplayer mode.

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Battlefield 4™ Final Stand
Standard Edition
Battlefield 4™ Final Stand is one of five expansion packs included in Battlefield 4™ Premium.

Battlefield 4™ Final Stand moves the fight into the grand Russian wintry landscape as the war closes in on its epic conclusion. In an effort to change the tide of the war a Pan Asian Coalition starts to take form and experimental prototype weapons, vehicles and gadgets enter the Battlefield. Take helm of...

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