[404] Project Diversity

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Pokaż wszystkich członków (34)

Witryna: *classified* • Stworzono: 27.02.2014

3 456 555 / 3 306 000

3 456 555
2082h 24m
Hello and welcome to the platoon. Always work as a team to complete the objective and play fair, play hard and never surrender. Practice your positioning with your preferred team members and always remember that a team working as a unit is stronger than a lone wolf.

Everyone is welcome here. I want this platoon to feature players from all across the globe. That way we win :)

Each member will represent their country and will be given leadership status if they gain 4 players to join the platoon.

For the people who want to know why our symbol is a Pokeball. They are just like people but in an opposite way. On the outside, they are the same but inside they have variety and diversity. With people we are all different on the outside but on the inside we're all the same.


Kanał plutonu jest na razie pusty. Zachęcamy do zamieszczenia pierwszej wiadomości.