[DTC] Dog Tag Collectors

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Веб-сайт: www.dogtagcollectors.com • Создан: 27.02.2014

12 053 / 20 000

195 053
95ч 15м
The DTC clan is currently recruiting. We are looking for friendly members that are mature and can have fun while playing with others. Our hope is that we can all be respectful of each other while kicking butt in the battlefield. We focus on team-play and community involvement.

The platoon is a representation of our clan in Battlelog. If you like our server and are interested in joining our clan, go to our clan's website (shown above) and submit an application. You will get and invite to the platoon once you are a member of the clan.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact (via friend request on BL or after creating an account on our website) RockinOp, FriscoAssassin, HoLyCoWzOrZ, or SacredTags.


Im in division 1 of melee kills. Why won't you let me join?
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
and I can show you video proof of hundreds of knife streaks
10 years назад
Hello PastorZach,
If you would like to join our clan (and then in-turn our platoon), please apply on our website: www.dogtagcollectors.com. Please note that while we certainly knife more than most, we are not a strictly knifing clan.
10 years назад