[SF] Seyfert Gaming

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Веб-сайт: www.seyfert.pt • Создан: 27.02.2014

3 692 706 / 3 306 000

3 692 706
1930ч 43м

Seyfert Gaming é uma comunidade de gamers (e não só) na qual é partilhada o gosto pelos jogos.

Para mais informações, passa pelo site, facebook, ou entra directamente em contacto connosco no teamspeak: seyfert.verygames.pt


Site: http://seyfert.pt/ [seyfert.pt]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeyFertGaming [facebook.com]

Youtube: http://youtube.com/seyfertgaming [youtube.com]

O que esperas?? JOINS US!

http://s09.flagcounter.com/count/toz0/bg_000000/txt_675E8C/border_3908FF/columns_4/maxflags_20/viewers_Visitantes/labels_0/pageviews_0/flags_0/.jpg [s09.flagcounter.com]


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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
2 г. назад • 0 Нравится
@R3BORN learn to play FAIR jet looser
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Get rekt kids!
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Dá para entrar?
7 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Olá Malta, estou a organizar um torneio para o Fun com o apoio Halfmman-eSports.... Gostava que os Seyfert participassem, sei que o jogo está meio morto...mas seria um revival, e tentar já puxar as pessoas para o competitivo do BF1. Deixo o link do cartaz, entrem no grupo do Facebook se precisarem de fazer perguntas, estou a contar com voçês!!!

https://scontent.flis2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13177955_10207972757209549_8548180282800571088_n.jpg?oh=af460b4a037d23f7ed3a91c5df26dfe2&oe=57AB7388 [scontent.flis2-1.fna.fbcdn.net]
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
anytime u boys want a pcw just ask scrubs
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
need a little help plz guys: trying to accept a friend request from one of your memebrs but have a problem, can anyone tell your member "lowamc" to msg me or make space in his friends list as I can not msg him because of his ingame setting & a full friends list. hope you dont mind my placing this here, remove if unwanted. ty
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hi guys,I want to offer you to play klan wars 8x8 bnl rules,if interestingly add me in battlelog
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
A.N.N Ajan Network news presentation :after research and analysis, we came to the conclusion that AJAN CLAN with 11.000.000 Points make the first place on Battlefield 4 game in Turkey.We have 500 Clan members need the same 1.Place in Turkey and top 3 of a World in Battlefield 4 Platoons.We have many Clan members from around the World, so we have created a new clan AJAN WORLD for you.You are welcome when like to Play with us. I am ABOKOM Asbera say to you, enjoy it.
4. Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/view/4373185141668467986/
1.Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/platoons/view/453035467…/
2.Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/view/6489274965559233775/
3. Kol Ordu http://battlelog.battlefield.com/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]…/view/1296040439142155429/
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Or I must say, hey monkey's how are you?
9 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Hey Gay's how are you?
9 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Bloody piece of Shit!
9 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Piss off Seifert
9 г. назад • 1 Нравится
Pessoal quem quiser clique neste link e pode copiar os meus emblemas, espero que gostem e algum feedback era agradecido, obrigado.
http://emblemsbf.com/emblem-50426.html [emblemsbf.com]
http://emblemsbf.com/emblem-50321.html [emblemsbf.com]
http://emblemsbf.com/emblem-50317.html [emblemsbf.com]
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Minha gente

Para reavivar um pouco o BF4, a comunidade Seyfert Gaming está a organizar um torneio pro fun.
Os dados do torneio estão todos aqui: http://seyfert.pt/war.php?id=1 [seyfert.pt]

Juntem 5 jogadores e venham participar. É só fazer a team no site e inscrevê-la.

Qualquer dúvida, façam favor de perguntar
9 г. назад • 1 Нравится
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится