[RDDT] Reddit Xb360 Platoon 2

Site web : www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4 • Créée : 03-03-2014

12 779 / 83 000

1 092 779
462 h 8 m
Inactive, no longer recruiting.


Hey rawrjumping and Trippy. I'm from the EPIC Clan and second in command also in charge of Clan scrimmages. I played with one of you guys one time and was wondering if you'd like to scrimmage with us sometime. Give me a shout one time. We sound just like you guys. Some of us more competitive than others and some more layed back. Regardless we're in it to have fun and possibly get a win while doing it. Just message me on post message on our Platoon page. Thanks bud!
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Hey guys do you feel like we the best platoon on xbox 360,Ask yourself when was the last time we lost as a platoon.
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime
You all should play against us.http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1689967191375257387/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years plus tôt
Would you all be down for a friendly redt vs rddt platoon scrimmage?
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime
Message to any applicants: DICE has removed the platoon member cap, so we can now have 100+ members. Please feel free to apply, all are welcome to join, provided you play on Xbox 360. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime
will i get kicked from the group if not active enough? i am currently traveling. and i will play commander mode on ipad whenever i can. right now im in florida but i will move to indonesia in may. i will still play commander when i have time.
10 years plus tôt
Not at all, I don't even keep track of most people's activity. Come on whenever you can, don't feel like you have to.
10 years plus tôt
hey guys, my reddit is banana0507 the same with my gamertag. i wont be able to play my xbox for at least 3 months. HOWEVER i have commander mode on ipad and will be happy to support you in the battlefield whenever i can.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
If you're still accepting apps get me in on this! x360, premium, PTFO (div 1 score, score/min, squad score). Midwest time, on often. soggyclam85.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
If you guys play daily add me on xbox 360 mrstuff74
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Yes, i first joined under Eli871, but now im under Eli871036! i talked to rawrjumping last week about this!
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Im on, anyone want to get a game going?

il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
You posted this in the public section, you're much more likely to get a response if you post in the private section.
10 years plus tôt
Yeah most of us post on the private section, you will get more attention if you post there.
10 years plus tôt
im from the ps3 RDDT clan good job guys keep up the good work
il y a 10 ans • 1 J'aime
Hi all - looking to join the platoon. ElQuesoUno on the 360.
Usually play Conquest. In a squad I stick together and assist my mates. See you all out there.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
LetMeKeepMyGT. I haven't played recently but with the reintroduction of platoons I am fired up. I love spotting and am great with Anti-Armor. I always find it fun to play with other members of reddit and have experience with being part of a reddit group (GTAV). Main weapons are DMRs and Carbines. Availible during the afternoon on weekdays and all weekend (PST)
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
st33lpanther89, EST, Conquest and a little rush. I play most evenings and an afternoon here and there.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
"UCF Ryan", EST, usually play conquest
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
IGN is Pur3Hell, will be happy to play whenever!
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
mjolnir66, West Coast US, will play any game type. Please add me.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
Looking to be added.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
My ign is onlyhalofan, add me if you want.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
f1etch 1ives - play most evenings from 8pm Eastern.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime
What's up everyone. Gamertag is AssaultSphinx. I've got a Research Paper to finish up but I'm looking forward to play with you all.
il y a 10 ans • 0 J'aime