Starblind Games
Tag: [STBL] Web: Official website Fans: 2 Created: 2012-06-04

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to the Starblind ( - soon online and operational) crew! Created by the founder of Starblind Games, Crash Okami, this platoon is friendly for everyone, and everyone can apply to join, but has some pretty basic rules for everyone.

We're on PC, and PS3, and actively looking for members!

-- Rules --
1) No racism allowed, of any form.
2) No harassing of anyone, friend or foe. If you have any complaint, from a teammate's playstyle to language, you should discuss it politely with either them, or a high-ranking member of the squad.
3) No cheating, of any form. A legit win weighs more than 100 cheating wins. Don't cheat even against cheaters, don't stoop to their level.
4) [Optional] A headset would help organize better in game. Everyone should also pay attention to the team text chat.
5) Willing to work as part of a team.
6) Not putting their K/D above the team, and the situation. I.e., do not sacrifice the team and the tactics, and eventually the match, for the sake of kills.
7) No quitters, unless we encounter the latter part of rule #3 (cheaters), and even then, the whole team should talk during the match and agree to leave at once.

Don't forget to check out our page,, daily, for your dose of unbiased game news! Have fun and see you on the battlefield, soldiers!

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