AoA Armored Unit
タグ: [AoA] ウェブ: 公式ウェブサイト ファン: 57 作成済み: 2012-04-06


Welcome to the Armored Division of Allegiance of Arms. The leader of the Armored Division is AGNT_ZERO. If you have any questions or concerns please address him. This write up should cover almost all questions you might have concerning this division of the clan. The Armored Division means you use vehicles that have wheels or tracks. You have been placed here because of your stats and kills in vehicles. You will be assigned to be a driver (drives the vehicle) or gunner (guns for the driver in the passenger seat). In the Armored Division you will be operating the T-90A, M1 Abrams, SPRUT-SD, M1128, LAV-25, BMP-2M, LAV-AD, 9K22 and Tunguska-M, in that order. Tanks are always the most heavily armored and should be used as such to cover other ground units in game.

As the driver, you are responsible to go past the first objective, go to the second closest objective and capture it. Also call out vehicles for the other tanks. Drivers need to have on their tanks reactive armor, IR Smoke, and canister shells or guided missles , also always stay in the tank until it blows up so the other team can't get it and use it to their advantage. In addition, always keep the rear of the vehicle pointed away from the enemies vehicles, it is the weakest point of any vehicle.

As a gunner, you need to have proximity scan, and when you encounter another vehicle jump out and fire RPGs/SMAWs at the other vehicle as well as repair the tank when it's clear (Hint: to get out point your gun in the direction you want to get out at). In addition, gunners only re-spawn on your driver when he is in the tank so you have zero chance of being killed while waiting. As a gunner, it is your job to spot enemies as you see them in case the driver misses them and DO NOT shoot when no enemies are in sight. Do remember, your turent gun does nothing to most vehicles, only hurts jeeps, boats, jets, helicopters, and people. The tanks disable at 50% and the LAVs disable at 60%. Before you jump out and go wild on the enemy, let your driver know, and make sure he acknowledges it.

Everyone in Armored Divsion needs to come to training when it is scheduled. If you cannot make it we will understand but, it is in your best interest to do so if available. In training you will become familiar with your squad leader(s), driver/gunner and what you need to do while in the game. You need to find out who all is in your squad and be able to squad up when you join a game without having to ask a leader of some type. You need to add everyone in your division on PSN (PlayStation Network) and on battlelog so you can play with them. When you get better, you might have a chance to become a driver instead of a gunner.When using soldier perks make sure that they are important to your role in game as a Armored Division member.Again, welcome to the clan and Armored Division, make sure you fan all pages relating to our clan (divisions and AoA page), have a nice day.

Please consult the calendar and membership directory on our website to stay up to date with members, and events. Make sure you abide by all rules surronding AoA.

In order to join Armored Divison you MUST have at least one (1) service star in ALL ground vehicles.

Team Placement is based on K/D and SPM.
1.0 - 1.25 K/D & 300 - 349 SPM = Charlie
1.25 - 1.5 K/D & 350 - 399 SPM = Bravo
1.5 - 1.75 K/D 400 - 449 SPM = Alpha
1.75 + K/D & 500 + SPM = Elitle Ops ELIGIBLE.

