Tag: [CMP] Fani: 3 Stworzono: 22.07.2013

Prezentacja plutonu

Take your stick and bag we are going camping! (This is for people that love too play the way they want without any "your a camper" or "Omg m320" bullcrap) if you like too stay at one spot and spam your weapon till you got spiderwebs on your gun then this is the place for you.

The only thing we dont need is people complaining about what weapons people use like m16 or m320 or other weapon in the game if you got a problem against people using guns you dislike then i advise you too turn away from this platoon.

Feel free too invite others if you like but do make sure they dont whine about camping and weapons.
Most of the time i play on:

[JAH] Warriors #01 - Metro Only (No Rules) - 64 Slots | 24/7 Metro only 1500 Tickets by

BF3Clan 64 - 24/7 - Metro - 1000 Tickets - no rules

Want me too add any other servers too this list for others too add too their favorites leave it in the feed.

I hope everyone can act as adults and have fun together

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