Mors Regis
Tag: [MR] Web: Official website Fans: 11 Created: 2012-04-15

Platoon Presentation

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4vs4 Squad Rush
5vs5 Infantry


Wszelkie inne informacje dostępne są na forum plutonu.

Platoon website:



| Squad Rush 4vs4                  |

winning matches: 3
MR vs. AA - 3:2 WIN (vs. Poland) - Anonimowi Alkoholicy
MR vs. PL - 4:2 WIN (vs. Poland) - Polonia Squad
MR vs. SP3C - 4:2 WIN (vs. Poland) - SPECFORCE EU

lost matches: 1
MR vs. IAM - 0:6 LOSE (vs. Poland) - In Articulo Mortis

| Infantry 5vs5                            |

winning matches

lost matches

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