Hoax eSports
Tag: [Hoax] Web: Official website Fans: 28 Created: 2013-09-20

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to Hoax eSports


About us:

We are a competitive platoon which will be based on the ps4.

We aim to form a tight group of skilled players to compete in various game modes as the platoon expands.

We have competitive experience in squad rush and 5v5 8v8 and 12v12 conquest and will be carrying this into bf4.


Current Recruitment Status: OPEN

Infantry [Open]

Armor [Open]

Jet [Open]

Heli [Open]

You can apply to our recruitment section linked here:


We will review your application and ask you to start a trial period where we can get to know you.
Players must have a mic and be English speaking.
We are looking for skilled players who ideally have competitive experience.

Any queries please add one of the leaders:

Ry__RefleX or Dannydd1989


Rules for members of Hoax:
- Team Player
- Respect clan members
- Wear the [Hoax] tags
- No racism
- Maturity
- Play with your clan members
- Be active on Battlelog and ps4


Challenge Hoax eSports:

Please contact one of the leaders to arrange a match.



If members could bump these threads for our recruitment it would be much appreciated!



Training and Match schedule:


Match Results:



Platoon feed

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