Тэг: [|BS|] Фанаты: 2 Создано: 17.11.2011

Презентация взвода

BS gets it's beginnings from PS3. We've branched into many games, including Battlefield 3. Join us. We're also on Steam, and as always, we enjoy our adult conversations. Those who can't accept that sorta thing...shouldn't join.

We have no minimums. There's no limitations, other than 'don't suck'. Which is low, really, because most of us do. Why do we do this? Again, we're casual core like no one's business. We're just here to enjoy the company of others, bitch and whine when we get killed by people who play this all day, and keep movin' on.

Members USUALLY put a proud BS before their name. Why? So we remember that they're with us. Also, gloating rights. Hotdamn.

Uhm. If I can think of anything more to say, I will. Just come join us. We'll love you for it.

...OH! Keni's the forever-leader. There was once another leader, but then he sucked and Keni took over again. Why? Because everyone loves hearing Keni. That's why.

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