[FROG] Fockin Really Odd Guys

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Alle Mitglieder ansehen (30)

Erstellt: 13.03.2014

5.018.400 / 3.306.000

1965S 33M
Prayer for Battle

O God, my Father, I come to You through trust in Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His life as a substitution for mine for the forgiveness of my sins, and whom I have accepted by faith as my Savior.

I thank you for Your grace gift of eternal life! I ask for Your continued grace blessings and Divine protection for my Nation, my Marine Core, my Family, my Soldiers, and myself.

I ask for Your Divine Wisdom to guide my Nation, my Marine Core, and myself in the coming battle. Guide my superiors so that they can think clearly, plan tirelessly, and act decisively. Shield our Marines from the weapons and intentions of the enemy. And help me to remember my training, and to apply those lessons to the swift defeat of our enemy.

I appeal to Your Divine Justice to grant us the Victory!

I ask this in the name of the Lord of the Armies, my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.



Want to set up a battle. ANyone around to organize it?
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Anyone home????????
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Greetings guy's. Was curious if FROG was up for a battle/scrimmage?
12 vs 12 Conquest, original map packs.
Hit us up

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/4265851132114433032/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
vor 9 Jahren • 1 Like
hey guys, its sealdark92...I applied to join
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Semper Fi Marines to my fellow Marines and Brothers- Happy 239th Birthday!! Ouhhhh-Rahhh!!!
vor 9 Jahren • 0 Like
Hello founders and leaders .. feel free to join our brand new clan match finder for ps3 only. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3130360057564994955/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
vor 10 Jahren • 0 Like
just one guy plz
10 years her