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Dostań więcej dzięki Battlefield Premium
Zagwarantuj sobie wcześniejszy dostęp do wszystkich pięciu dodatków, nowych pojazdów i broni oraz cotygodniowych aktualizacji, które dodadzą grze jeszcze więcej głębi. Dowiedz się więcej

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Data premiery:

Dodatki wchodzące w skład usługi Premium

Wymagana podstawowa wersja gry
Battlefield 4™ China Rising Expansion Pack
Standard Edition
Fight across the Chinese mainland in four massive maps, using new vehicles and high-tech equipment.

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Data premiery:
Battlefield 4™ Second Assault
Standard Edition
Fight it out across four of the best-loved, updated maps from Battlefield 3, with five new weapons, a new vehicle, and Capture the Flag mode!

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Data premiery:
Battlefield 4™ Naval Strike
Standard Edition
Four all-new maps in the South China Sea provide excellent arenas for the new amphibious hovercraft!

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Data premiery:
Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth
Standard Edition
Infantry-based combat expands across four extra maps and one additional multiplayer mode.

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Data premiery:
Battlefield 4™ Final Stand
Standard Edition
Battlefield 4™ Final Stand is one of five expansion packs included in Battlefield 4™ Premium.

Battlefield 4™ Final Stand moves the fight into the grand Russian wintry landscape as the war closes in on its epic conclusion. In an effort to change the tide of the war a Pan Asian Coalition starts to take form and experimental prototype weapons, vehicles and gadgets enter the Battlefield. Take helm of...

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