[RV] Reges Victores

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Веб-сайт: www.r.v.forumfree.it • Создан: 18.03.2014

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Our Clan was born in the summer of 2009, under the name of KB, Kings of Battlefield. We wanted, since the start, to became an important reality among the most importants console Battlefield Clans.
Our first game was Bad Company that give to us the right knowledge about the Battlefield Console experience, giving to us a little fame as good tankers and infantrymens. The second Clan game was Battlefield 1943, but we played it only for fun... Arrived Bad Company 2...Our clan with this game started his expansion, collected some good players and month by month became the strongest national clan, winning a lot of tournaments under the name KB.
So RV? Reges Victores was born in 2011,after a strong crysis of KB. It was composed by the 90% of the past members but we had a completely different mentalities:
We wanted to be an european reality, not only national and this changed a lot of things.

◘Platoon hierarchy
whitebyzantine53 (Founder)
NeOmArLeY (Founder )

♛ 1st place in the Tournament 6vs6 FiPOT (best italian association of Tournaments) Battlefield Bad Company 2.
♛ 1st place in the Tournament 8vs8 FiPOT Battlefield Bad Company 2.
♛ 1st place in the Tournament 6vs6 IPS3 on Battlefield Bad Company 2.
♛ Series of victories on Battlefield Bad Company 2 under the name "KB" (Kings of Battlefield) 40-0.
♛ Playoffs of the 3rd season of FraggedNation (FN) 12 vs 12 Conquest Ladder on Battlefield 3.
♛ Best italian Clan on Battlefield PS platform since 2009.

On ( ✔)Off ( - )
◘Recruitment Platoon

◘Follow us
Forum http://r.v.forumfree.it [r.v.forumfree.it]
Live Streaming http://it.twitch.tv/regesvictores [it.twitch.tv]
YouTube http://youtube.com/user/RegesVictoresClan [youtube.com]

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬○VAE VICTIS!○▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


Ciao raga, arruolate ?
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
si adda il cicciocarro
8 years назад
CW Domination 5vs5?
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Il clan è inattivo da molto caro.... per fortuna
9 years назад
fortuna vostra ovviamente l3l
8 years назад
Ciao ragazzi sarei interessato a entrare nel vostro clan. Se vedete che sono livello basso è perchè ho cambiato il profilo.Grazie
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Attualmente i reclutamenti sono chiusi, ed il clan generalmente inattivo sopra questo gioco.
9 years назад
BuggatiBomber, your friend list is full.
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
We are organizing an international tournament for High Leveled Clans. Each Clan can register a maximum of 3 Teams of 7 Players (5+2). Teams have to join by the 15/09/14 sending an email to:antonino.bazzone@email.com who will send you the registration form. The tournament will start arround the 21/09/14, the 20/09/14 at 8:00 p.m. GMT+1 we will drawn the teams in to the groups for the qualification rounds.The tournament will be sponsorized by Plantronics Gaming.The awards will be announced at the reaching of the provided teams (64). Please visit the following link: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/en/platoons/view/8087567369236002237/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] and join the Platoon. https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1119x699q90/661/JKaEIS.png [imagizer.imageshack.us]
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Questa potevi evitarla
9 years назад
Ciao, quali sono gli standard di reclutamento?
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
hello looking for clan war 16 vs 16 CQ normal add
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
siete disponibili per una 5vs5 in dominio?
9 г. назад • 3 нравится
2 / 9 коммент. Подробнее

9 years назад
Ma in 5vs5 usate rapid fire ? Io sono sempre stato un fan delle armi automatiche, specialmente in spazi ristretti
9 years назад
Hello to everybody, ATM we're not interested to play any clan war. We'll re-start competitive in August. Thanks for your attention
10 г. назад • 2 нравится
Probably also in july :D
10 years назад
Ma ammazzate ahahahahaahah
9 years назад
ciao ragazzi avrei bisogno di scambiare due chiacchiere con un leader... se potete aggiungetemi al psn che parliamo in party . grazie mille ciao
9 г. назад • 2 нравится
Come posso entrare nel clan?
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Non puoi, Boxaro!
9 years назад
quali sono i requisiti per entrare?
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
HAI HAI HAI you guys up for a cw in 5v5? Let me knowww
(Please Neo answer me lol)
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
2 / 4 коммент. Подробнее
Non se la caga nessuno la bacheca del Plotone, ti ho risposto io per quello.. Ieri li ho pure avvisati che avevi scritto ma come vedi non ti hanno risposto lo stesso
10 years назад
Albè non avevo visto completamente il post. Comunque siamo inattivi fino ad Agosto.
10 years назад
Hi RV , We are looking for 10 vs 10 DOM - add me to talk if you interested in .
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
GG guys, dawnbreaker's tactic smashed asses xD
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
ti spacco il culo...JOINA.
10 years назад
GG all
10 years назад
Looking for 15 v 15 conquest small battles ( Europe Server)
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
LE persone che abbiamo kikkato sono inattive ma restano componenti del nostro clan. In attesa le inseriamo nel nostro plotone community
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
2 / 3 коммент. Подробнее
no stai li e busca, resti nel Plotone BF3 e nella Community BF4
10 years назад
10 years назад
ESSD is looking for a scrimmage ( hardcore only USA service . If u interested hit me with a friend RQ
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
WTF!? Hardcore & USA servers are too bad for us, sorry :D
10 years назад