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Создан: 27.02.2014

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If you are already a member of another platoon, you will not be accepted into WPC. This is a PS4/PC ONLY platoon for people who like to PTFO, get along, and have FUN. It is an East Coast platoon and we will use regional servers only to ensure the game runs as smoothly as possible. We are a CONQUEST only platoon.

We don't issue orders, you don't have to play as a certain class, and you don't have a defined role. Play the game how you like as long as you support the platoon, and utilize your chosen class to your benefit and your fellow squad mates.

We communicate, drop health packs, ammo, spot, and most importantly we play like a TEAM. Use of a headset is REQUIRED so we can be as effective as we can possibly be on the Battlefield, and allow you to get to know your fellow platoon members.

YOU define YOUR role here in the Wolf Pack. All we ask is that YOU SQUAD UP WITH YOUR FELLOW PLATOON MEMBERS IF THEY ARE ON. Failure to stay active with platoon members will cause you to be released from the Wolf Pack. We need ACTIVE members to be successful.

Upon applying for the platoon, please write on the platoon wall leaving your PSN ID if it differs from your Origin name. If you think you'd be a good addition, feel free to apply and we will see you on the Battlefield!

To anyone asking about scrimmages and platoon wars, please go to this link that is the competitive branch for our platoon. Thanks! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/7441529379005209225/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


hello. id like to join your platoon as i had to make a new account so my old clan got screwed over thanks to my EA account getting locked out looking forward to play with yall :)
2 г. назад • 0 Нравится
plz accept me
i will do as everyone says i will not a give a single chance to complain
plz let me in
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hey may I please join? This is my psn: its_bery_
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
16v16 ?
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
I look forward to teaming up with you guys and have great matches
6 г. назад • 0 Нравится
If I am excepted my psn is AudiABT27
7 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hello brothers!

We want invite your team to join a friendly games project to keep battlefield 4 alive.

The project is called ACS All Clans Society.

Currently 31 teams on it. We make Conquest Large games all satudays 7pm california time. Mixed teams, no rules, squad based team sign in for games. Everything allowed.
All teams are strongly experienced as yours, meanwhile all good friends and the pace is peaceful, friendship and awesome bf4 matches.

The only proposal is to have fun and make great games. All free, exclusive server, and everything is set up through a Kik app group chat which only clan leaders or a team representative participate.
You just need to come and play with us!
Games are also live streamed in Twitch on multiple languages.

★ Current active teams


For more information contact kik users:


★ACS Twitch
http://twitch.tv/acsleague [twitch.tv]

★ ACS League Information
http://dfacorp.myfreesites.net/acsinfo [dfacorp.myfreesites.net]
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Hey guys I would like to join, and will leave my current platoon, but i dont want to do that till accepted
if i am even excepted
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
just applied. My bf4 ID is: kschad1
hopefully can learn some tactics from some of you guys and get better.
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
To anyone who is wanting to play competitively, please post on our new branch of WPC. That is where we'll be scheduling all of the scrimmages and battles. Thanks! http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/7441529379005209225/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Just applied! I'm a BEAST helicopter pilot, and now I can actually have some TEAMwork, and get some Engineers in the Heli, for repairing. Can't wait... :D
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
2 / 3 коммент. Подробнее
Hub I added you so we could play
10 years назад
10 years назад
I am goons play bf4 today probably naval strike and second assault if any one want to join add me up or comment.
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
sent an application :) this sounds like a great clan and id love to be a part of it.
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
I just added you. Thanks for joining. Be sure to send friend requests via PSN and Battlelog to fellow platoon members.
10 years назад
alright thanks for the invite, i might need help with things as this is the first platoon i've ever joined :p
10 years назад
Decent all around, mainly assault and aggressive recon. Me and a friend are looking for a casual but still objective-oriented platoon / squad to play with. Premium members. I'm going to go ahead and apply. Let me know if you're interested in me.
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
2 / 3 коммент. Подробнее
Alright! I saw you guys are going to play tonight. I'll probably join in.
10 years назад
Awesome. Let's hope the lag isn't too bad....
10 years назад
Howdy all. I'm interested in the platoon as an older gamer. I generally play evenings...unfortunately, I'll be out for 2 weeks on a business trip. I play the objective for the most part. My stats show a preference for bolt guns...just the guns I've opened all the kit for at this time. Working on all the other kit too...just haven't gotten around to it. I'll follow orders, play as a team, drop your ammo and med kits when you need. I'll listen on the mic, often won't be able to talk much as kids are in bed. I have been playing HC domination quite a bit lately to open up kit on guns, but I'll play any maps, in any style. I appreciate the consideration.
10 г. назад • 0 Нравится
Thanks for joining. I'm an evening player myself, especially on the weekends. We don't issue orders. Play the objective to the best of your ability. We usually run to each objective together, so you won't have to cap flags alone. I think you'll like your platoon. We will be on at 9pm tonight if you wanna play. Sent you a friend request on PSN.
10 years назад
If anyone is interested in playing tonight around 9pm EST, let me know. I plan on playing for awhile tonight and would love to squad up with the platoon and kick some more ass like we did on Saturday. Also be advised that I've made some of you platoon leaders so that you may recruit new members as you see fit, so if you know anyone that would be a good addition, feel free to refer them here. Thanks, and have a good day.
10 г. назад • 1 Нравится
2 / 3 коммент. Подробнее
Yh yh imam stay up for it if every1 on playin
10 years назад
It was awesome Saturday. We were all running together at each objective, dropping ammo, reviving...it was insanely fun to play as a TEAM. I used to play with some guys on CoD on 360 and we would do the same and it's the most fun I've ever had gaming. Now we've got a good platoon for BF4 and it's really revived my love for this game.
10 years назад