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Witryna: narf3.webnode.com/ • Stworzono: 22.02.2015

37 964 424 / 3 306 000

37 964 424
9923h 23m
We are a platoon focused on obliteration and host one of the best and most active obliteration servers.
NARF is currently looking for active players who enjoy obliteration and CTF game modes.


1 rok temu • 2 polubienia
What happened?
1 year temu
Acept me pls
2 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Man, it's been a while. Whose all playing these days? Looks like server is still up?
2 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Hi, what happened to the server?
2 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
server is down, we trying to find someone to fix it... -_-
2 years temu
looks like the server is magically back up... 0_o
2 years temu
You guys got upset about a French ball with a baguette.
Mfs I am French, so sensitive you are
3 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Sorry Loud for (accidentally) banning you. I was "faking" a ban with your name mispelled as a joke in response to your joke and little did I know it would work. SEe I just got my powers in the last 24 hrs. and had been fn around with them. It's been 4 years since I last did this sht.

Hopefully I didn't ruin your day too much. Maybe you got some cleaning done instead. And your significant other was very happy about that.

Well that's how I like to think about it.

Once Spinout gets back on, he'll get you unbanned asap. Unfortunately I can't do that. sorry again.

PS best times in Oblit were the early days with you and onyx.

PPS Frequency shut up. lol.
4 lata temu • 2 polubienia
<iframe src="https://www.gameservers.com/clanpay/widget.php?clanid=b552054c819d3b3c133aa8b214d1fe25 [gameservers.com] " frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="1000"></iframe>
4 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
<iframe src="https://www.gameservers.com/clanpay/widget.php?clanid=b552054c819d3b3c133aa8b214d1fe25 [gameservers.com]" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="1000"></iframe>
4 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Lol I'll never comprehend on why, if you guys were going to kick me. Why did it take you an hour and a half to do it.

Oh well, you beta male cucks can be sensitive and offended all you want. When you are the guys getting involved with my conversations that never even originally involved any NARF members, and then you getting triggered. Or in short, social rejects that can't mind their own business.

I like to know what I even said on that last match on the map Rogue Transmission that triggered one of you SJW pussies.

Oh well, more intellectually inferior trash that was taken out and offended.
4 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
2 / 3 komentarze(y) Więcej
12 JMcIntosh1 Name 2w 4d 23h 48m
4 years temu
I would explain it to you, but I don't have the time or the crayons!
4 years temu
Hello, the team "Ferma" invites you to play on the server only obliteration.
On the server there are no limitations, adequate administration. In General all are happy to see. WELCOME:)
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/229b85da-b3e8-41c0-bd78-fab0889c8e27/1-F-FERMA-OBLITERATION-24-7-powered-by-XL-GAMES-RU/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
5 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
(NARF) 1Tyler_Durden0 : Fuck Cheater & Hacker
5 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
6500 plus hours haven't made you smart at all...
5 years temu
https://bf4db.com/ [bf4db.com]
6 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
narf is awesome!! oh and SPinout told me to message yall and said he will be a day or 2 , proton will be off. he shorted out his pc
6 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Merry Christmas from all of us in JGK <3
6 lata temu • 2 polubienia
Hey Guys,

I was wondering if you might be interested in trying to setup a weekly clan game?

Nothing too, competitive, but everybody in teamspeak and teams using split channels during matches. And if teams get too unbalanced it would be ok just to pick two team captains and let them pick teams.

7 lata temu • 1 Lubię to
That sounds cool, we've only tried it out once before and well pretty unorganized but I'm down for trying it again,
7 years temu
I'm not in the Platoon(yet) but i deeply enjoy the server has it been renamed?
7 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
no, it was just down for a portion of a day.
7 years temu
Getting kicked for "space for members" with 29/32 players, lol?
7 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
You were probably just booted from the squad to make room for other Platoon members. No biggie.
8 years temu
Hello, I ask loudanger to join and he agree, I hope you guys are okay with this
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Ask me to join what?
8 years temu
Can someone explain this to me??
http://sendvid.com/drruyeri [sendvid.com]
8 lata temu • 0 Lubię to
Happens to me all the time, usually its cause someone behind you shot you too about the same time and the guy the one shot kills you got the last shot in.
8 years temu
You guys want to 10v10 oblit scrim sometime?

I think it would be fun.
8 lata temu • 4 polubienia
GG on the scrim, was fun.
8 years temu