[DoG] DoG-Nalle

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Веб-сайт: ingen ännu • Создан: 26.03.2014

103 726 / 121 000

1 670 726
1093ч 58м

klanen startade 2006 i ett Steam spel som heter
Day Of Defeat och sedan des har vi varit några trogna anhängare även i BF2 BF3 och nu BF4 det är fritt att ansluta sig till oss så länge man inte använder fusk i de spel vi kör.
Välkommna till oss i The DoGs
DoG-Nalle och DoG-ChiHuaHua


Clan started 2006 in a Steam game called
Day Of Defeat and since then, we have been a few faithful followers even in BF2 BF3 BF4 and now it's free to join us as long as you do not use cheats in the games we play.
Welcome to us in the Dogs
//The founders:
DoG-Nalle and DoG-Chihuahua.


Hello :)
10 г. назад • 2 нравится
9 years назад
9 years назад
8 г. назад • 0 Нравится
<22:01:54> " ConeHeadMaster": Rules for DoGgy Clan
(suggested by ConeHeadMaster january 10, 2015)

1. Always pick a server with 5 available slots (game mode has to be determed first within Teamspeak).
2. Always follow the Squad leader.
3. Always stick with the Squad - do NOT go on solo-missions.
4. Squad members have to decide wich class to use when the map is loading.
5, Squad has to contain 2 Assault class with Defibrilators and Medic bags, 2 support with Ammo boxes. 5th member needs to be a similar class or Sniper/Engineer depending on the map. In cases were the Squad is playing maps with tanks, the Squad has to got 1 engineer with repair tools in each tank/LAV.
6. If a server is full and one member or more start the game in the opposite team - they have to do all they can to switch over to the team.
9 г. назад • 2 нравится