VeH Tactical
Tag: [VeH] Fans: 24 Created: 2012-09-05

Platoon Presentation


Welcome to VeH Tactical, the competitive unit of VeH. This unit's primary objective is to boost teamwork between members for competitive play. Once we have the roster set VeH Tactical Leaders will be selected. Members will be expected to be active within the unit by participating in practices and scheduled comp matches. We will start with friendly "INFANTRY ONLY" scrims which anyone can set up as long as the Tactical Leaders are made aware of who the match is against and when it is. Infantry Only matches include SQR, Close Quarters, TDM and Infantry only Conquest (Leader's call to play any small vehicle maps). Practices will be set up mostly by the Tactical Leaders but everyone is encouraged to squad up with each other to enhance teamwork and communication. OoptaGoopta currently has a rented server, search for "[VeH] Tactical". Several members have rented servers from time to time in the past and are free to do so if they choose. If you do rent a server, please let the unit know what the name is, something that has "VeH Tactical" in it.

The VeH Leaders will oversee the way this unit is run and maintain the right to shut down the unit should there be any problems. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE "ANY DRAMA" WITHIN THE UNIT!!! The leaders that we select will have control of the unit and handle any issues. Should there be any issues you have with the Tactical Leaders then you can reach out to one of the VeH Leaders. We expect you to treat all members with respect and take the comp play seriously, leave the trolling and screwing around for casual gameplay.

Hopefully the return to comp play will boost activity within VeH and bring in new members as well. If you have anyone who you think fits what VeH is all about then invite them to apply to the community. If accepted they can then join VeH Tactical. No one is to be invited to or will be accepted into Tactical before 1st being accepted into the community. So start squading up and remember what VeH stands for................Virtue and Honor above all else, HOOAH!!!

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