Death or Glory
Tag: [DoG] Web: Offizielle Website Fans: 48 Erstellt: 27.10.2011


Death or Glory

Clan Death or Glory [DoG] was founded on 11 April 2011 by a bunch of guys who enjoyed playing BFBC2.
We started off as strangers playing in each other’s squads but soon friendships were developed and the idea of forming a clan was born. Founding members of [DoG] are as follows:


Soon our ranks swelled with new recruits, both novices and experts, and we developed into a clan to be reckoned with.
Our goal was to create a fun, laid back atmosphere for adult gamers to relax and have some fun after a long days work. We wanted a place where a guy could come home, chat with some buddies’ online, crack open a beer, hang out and feel comfortable and welcome. We are not like some of the other gaming clans that come and go, we are also friends. The atmosphere here is relaxed, fun and enjoyable whether we are out on the battlefield shooting it up, or just sitting in the lobby chatting over a cold adult beverage.
We are a laid back, drink a beer, and give shit to someone for no reason type of clan. We have members that range from novice to expert players, so skill level holds no value to us. We like to think that a more laid back, "have fun attitude" brings the true player out in everyone. We here at [DoG] know this is only a game and not a real military force like some clans try to do. It is this true gaming attitude that makes us stand out of the crowd of hundreds of other clans. We take pride in the fact that we have the best group of players out there. So, as you can see [DoG] clan is the best, period.

Membership requirements

Must be 18 years and above (language can get rough at times)
Dedication-must be able to attend clan practice rounds and clan matches when it’s scheduled.
Microphone/Headset. BF3 is a squad based game in which communication is pertinent, also how else are you gonna talk kak to your mates?
Read our history, if you feel you’ll fit in with us and want to join, contact us.


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