Fire Team Fridays
Tag: [FTF] Web: Offizielle Website Fans: 10 Erstellt: 17.11.2011


Fire Team Fridays is a weekly event that takes place on the Pure Bedlam servers.

What is it -
Squad based competitions

Where is it -

Where do i sign up -
You need to sign up here

How often does it run -
Every week & it's open to everyone as long as they are signed up here.

How does the scoring work -
The squad with the highest score wins.

Why Score and not kills -
It gives everyone a fair chance & it encourages Team play.
Play as a team and you score high points.

What happens if i can't play every week -
It doesn't matter, the scores don't run from week to week.
It's a fun based competition.

It's open to anyone over the age of 18.


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