Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Tag: [WTF] Fans: 4 Erstellt: 27.11.2011


We here at WTF would just like to say that you should never take us serious... seriously. >_>

An that we're a diverse and interesting group that love to shoot at one another.

That being said we're here to have fun, but RL comes first.

If you have an issue with someone in the platoon take it into IMs and if it becomes an issue for the platoon
you and/or the other player may be kicked at the founders discretion.

Here's our server, happy fragging!


Also Small tip, if your having issues with keeping connected to bf3 servers, you need to port forward your router.
That and google how to setup QoS on your router to make certain packets priority. Not only will this keep you
connected but it will lower latency which matters a lot on the battlefield.


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