Team Germany PS3
Tag: [GER] Fans: 2 Erstellt: 22.06.2012


Willkommen auf der offiziellen Platoon Seite von Team Germany PS3!

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Team Germany PS3 [200%]

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► Team Kontakt: StifIa91 & dns-kbn

» Aktuell setzt sich TGPS3 aus Spielern folgender Teams zusammen:
German Chaos Crew (GCC)
German Fight Machines (GFM)
Legend of Dragoons (LoD)
pernix_pugnax (pp)
Quantic | Devastation (QxD)
Tactical Anarchy Order (TAo)
The Fallen Ones (vFv)
The Yellow Birds (BIRD)

► English Area
Welcome, we would like to introduce you to Team Germany PS3 formed by the best infantry, ground and air vehicle players from Germany.

We are looking forward to intense battles and a fair competition between the European Teams.

► Team contact: StifIa91 & dns-kbn

Currently active in the following event:
» EU: Nations Tournament -

Match ► Contact: dns-kbn

[WIN 5:1] 06.07.12 FRI 09:15 PM UTC+2 vs Team Italia PS3 (friendly)
[WIN 5:1] 15.07.12 SUN 09:00 PM UTC+2 vs Team Norway PS3 (friendly)
[WIN 4:2] 22.07.12 SUN 08:00 PM UTC+2 vs Team Finland PS3 (friendly)
[LOS 0:4] 29.07.12 SUN 09:00PM UTC+2 vs Team Poland PS3 (friendly)
[WIN 2:0] 11.08.12 SAT 08:00PM UTC+2 vs Team Slovenia PS3 (EU Nation Tournament)
[WIN 2:0] 19.08.12 SUN 08:00PM UTC+2 vs Team Ireland PS3 (EU Nation Tournament)
[SCORE] 1/2.09.12 07:00PM UTC+2 vs Team Czech Republic PS3 (EU Nation Tournament)

Deutschland ist zur Sommerzeit in der UTC+2 und zur Winterzeit in der UTC+1 Zeitzone. Alle Zeiten werden hier in deutscher Zeit angegeben.


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