The Companions
Tag: [WOLF] Fans: 6 Erstellt: 09.09.2012


"Prove your honor to be a Companion."


Ran Mir Tah
Laas Yah Nir
Feim Zii Gron
Od Ah Viing
Hun Kaal Zoor
Lok Vah Koor
Zun Haal Viik
Faas Ru Maar
Joor Zah Frul
Gaan Lah Haas
Su Grah Dun
Yol Toor Shul
Fo Krah Diin
Lis Slin Nus
Kaan Drem Ov
Krii Lun Aus
Rii Vaas Zol
Tiid Klo Ul
Strun Bah Qo
Dur Neh Viir
Zul Mey Gut
Fus Ro Dah
Wuld Nah Kest

The ancient home of the Nords, Skyrim, teeters at the brink of destruction. With the death of High King Torygg, the flood gates of civil war break loose, and brothers are slaying brothers across the frozen tundras and rocky crags. Many Nords wish to free themselves of the Empire’s grasp, which has been in decline since the Oblivion Crisis 200 years previous. Many others want to grasp upon the unity and safety offered by the Empire. A great prophecy has been foretold in the Elder Scrolls; one that foretells the return of Tamriel’s primeval darkness, the Dragons. The scrolls also tell of the coming of a mortal born with the soul of a dragon, the "Dovahkiin" or Dragonborn. One who will have the power to permanently defeat his greatest foe and end the dark reign of the consumer of worlds: Alduin.

To Imperials, the haughty, tall, golden-skinned peoples of Summerset Isle are called High Elves. The Ayleids referred to them as Salache, but they call themselves Altmer, or the "Cultured People". In the Empire, "High" is often understood to mean proud or snobbish, and as the Altmer generally personify these characteristics, the "lesser races" generally resent them. Altmer confidently consider themselves, with some justice, to be the most civilized culture of Tamriel; the common tongue of Tamriel is based on Altmer speech and writing, and most of the Empire's arts, crafts, laws, and sciences are derived from Altmer traditions. However, the Altmer's smug self-assurance of superiority can be hard to bear. The Altmer are the most strongly gifted in the arcane arts of all the races. They are among the longest living and intelligent races of Tamriel, and they often become powerful magic users, having centuries in which to practice their art. Some Altmers' incredibly strong minds make them naturally immune to all kinds of paralysis.

Argonians (or Saxhleel in Jel, their native tongue, a word that seems to mean "People of the Root") are the reptilian denizens of Black Marsh. Little is known and less is understood about them. Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians experts in guerrilla warfare, and their natural abilities make them equally at home in water and on land. They have developed natural immunities to the diseases and poisons that have doomed many would-be explorers and conquerors of the region. Their seemingly expressionless faces belie a calm intelligence, and many Argonians are well-versed in the magical arts. Others rely on stealth or steel to survive, and their natural agility makes them adept at either. They are, in general, a reserved people, slow to trust and hard to know, yet they are fiercely loyal, and will fight to the death for those they have named as friends.
While Argonians appear reptilian in nature at first glance, they also exhibit qualities of fish and amphibians: they are able to breathe underwater through small gills behind their ears, and swim using the same method as that of a tadpole or eel by moving their tail side-to-side to propel through the water. Argonians possess the most alien personalities in all of Tamriel from a human or meric perspective and it is often assumed that Argonians possess neither personality nor emotions. Of course this is not true; Argonians simply do not facially express their emotions as much as man and mer do, though anger is easily detectable from their bared teeth and narrowed eyes. Argonians' genders are sometimes referred to as life-phases, implying they may be able to change gender. However, this is unconfirmed, and Argonian hatchlings may be of either gender. Argonian appearance ranges from reptilian to almost human; this is decided by the amount of Hist sap they ingest as hatchlings, which ceremonially takes place on their Naming Day. Ancient cave paintings depict figures which appear to be more tree-like than Argonian.

The Bosmer are the Elven clan-folk of Valenwood, a forested province in southwestern Tamriel. In the Empire, they are often referred to as Wood Elves, but Bosmer, Boiche, or the Tree-Sap People is what they call themselves. Bosmer rejected the stiff, formal traditions of Aldmeri high culture, preferring a more romantic, simple existence in harmony with the land, its wild beauty and wild creatures. They are relatively nimble and quick in body and wit compared to their more "civilized" Elven cousins, making them well-suited for a variety of professions, including scouts, thieves, traders and scholars. The best archers in all of Tamriel, the Bosmer snatch and fire arrows in one continuous motion; they are even rumored to have invented the bow. They have many natural and unique abilities; notably, they can command simple-minded creatures and have a nearly chameleon-like ability to hide in forested areas. As part of their Green Pact, they are religiously carnivorous and cannibalistic, but do not harm vegetation of Valenwood (though they are not averse to using wooden or plant-derived products created by others).

Bretons are the human descendants of the Aldmeri-Nedic Manmer of the Merethic Era and are now the inhabitants of the province of High Rock. They are united in culture and language even though they are divided politically, for High Rock is a factious region. Bretons make up the peasantry, soldiery, and magical elite of the feudal kingdoms that compete for power. Many are capable mages with innate resistance to magicka. They are known for a proficiency in abstract thinking and unique customs. Bretons appear, by and large, much like other pale-skinned humans. They are usually slight of build and not as muscular as Nords or Redguards. Their Elvish ancestry is usually only detectable upon a closer inspection of their eyebrows, ears, or high cheekbones, though many individual Bretons appear to be more Nordic or Imperial than anything else. The great diversity in their appearance is to be expected from their politically fractured society, though their clothes, accents, customs and names are fairly uniform.

The Dunmer, also known as Dark Elves, or Moriche in the Ayleid Language, are the ash-skinned, red-eyed, Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire. "Dark" is commonly understood as meaning such characteristics as "dark-skinned", "gloomy", "ill-favored by fate" and so on. The Dunmer and their national identity, however, embrace these various connotations with enthusiasm. In the Empire, "Dark Elf" is the common usage, but among their Aldmeri brethren they are called "Dunmer". Their combination of powerful intellects with strong and agile physiques produce superior warriors and sorcerers. On the battlefield, Dunmer are noted for their skill with a balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic. In character, they are grim, aloof, and reserved, as well as distrusting and disdainful of other races.
Dunmer distrust and are treated distrustfully by other races. They are often proud, clannish, ruthless, and cruel, from an outsider's point of view, but greatly value loyalty and family. Young female Dark Elves are well known for their promiscuity. Despite their powerful skills and strengths, the Dunmer's vengeful nature, age-old conflicts, betrayals, and ill-reputation prevent them from gaining more influence. Those born in their homeland of Morrowind before its devastation were known to be considerably less friendly than those who grew up in the Imperial tradition.

Known as Cyrodiils, Cyrodilics or Cyro-Nordics before the time of Talos, the well-educated and well-spoken Imperials are the natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil. Imperials are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen armies, and their respect for the rule of law. Though physically less imposing than the other races, the Imperials have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders, and these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light infantry, have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races and erect the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Empire. Their hegemony has waxed and waned throughout the eras, and most historians refer to three distinct Empires, the ends of which each mark a new epoch in Tamrielic history.

The Khajiit are a race of feline humanoids hailing from the province of Elsweyr, well-known for their keen intelligence and agility. While these traits make them superb thieves and acrobats, Khajiit are also fearsome warriors, although seldom gifted with the skill to harness magical forces. This is not to say that Khajiit do not possess the ability, merely that strenuous training must be undertaken to make wielding magic a serious option, either in passive or aggressive actions.
Physiologically, Khajiit differ greatly from both the varied races of man and mer, not only in their skeletal structure (possessing a tail and, in some forms, a digitigrade stance, i.e. toe walking) and dermal makeup (the "fur" that covers their bodies) but in their digestion and metabolism as well. The Khajiit, along with the Argonians and the Imga, make up the so called 'beast races' of the Empire, due to their therianthropic qualities. It is currently unclear whether a successful union between Khajiit and other races may occur, for no well-documented cases exist despite rumors. The divergent appearance and mannerisms of the Khajiit often lead bigoted members of other races to look down on them.

The Nords are the children of the sky, a race of tall and fair-haired humans from Skyrim who are known for their incredible resistance to cold and magical frost. They are enthusiastic warriors, and many become renowned soldiers and mercenaries all over Tamriel. Eager to augment their martial skills beyond the traditional methods of Skyrim, they excel in all manner of warfare, and are known as a militant people by their neighbors. Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since their first migrations from Atmora. They captain and crew many merchant fleets, and may be found all along the coasts of Tamriel. For more information on Nord culture, see the Lore article on Nords. Nords are the most common race encountered in Skyrim's cities, and can be encountered in nearly every aspect - guards, merchants, bandits, hired-thugs, and Jarls. Stormcloaks encountered are comprised almost entirely of Nords, with the Nords sharing majority in the Imperial Legion as both officers and as soldiers.

Orcs, also called Orsimer or "Pariah Folk" in ancient times, are sophisticated, beastlike people of the Wrothgarian Mountains, Dragontail Mountains, and Orsinium (literally translated as "Orc-Town"). They are noted for their unshakable courage in war and their unflinching endurance of hardships. In the past, Orcs have been widely feared and hated by the other nations and races of Tamriel, and were often considered to be goblin-ken. However, they have slowly won acceptance in the Empire, in particular for their distinguished service in the Emperor's Legions. Orc armorers are prized for their craftsmanship, and Orc warriors in heavy armor are among the finest front-line troops in the Empire, and are fearsome when using their berserker rage. Most Imperial citizens regard the Orc society as rough and cruel. The Orcs of the Iliac Bay region have developed their own language, known as Orcish, and have often had their own kingdom, Orsinium.

The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel, the dark-skinned, wiry-haired Redguards of Hammerfell seem born to battle, though their pride and fierce independence of spirit makes them more suitable as scouts or skirmishers, or as free-ranging heroes and adventurers, than as rank-and-file soldiers. In addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles, Redguards are also physically blessed with hardy constitutions, resistance to poison, and quickness of foot. Redguards do not share the same blood as the other human races, and they have no connection with the ancestral Nordic homeland of Atmora.

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Summerset Isle (sometimes spelled Sumurset Isle or Sumerset Isle, and known by the second Aldmeri Dominion as Alinor) is a large island to the southwest of Tamriel's mainland. The Summerset Isles encompass a second, smaller island. In addition, it once contained the island system of Pyandonea, who seceded after a war with the King of Summerset. Summerset Isle is inhabited by the Altmer (called High Elves by Imperials), of whom magic is said to flow through their very veins. While the Sload are believed to be the first inhabitants of the Isles, it is believed to be the first province occupied by the Aldmer.

Little of the geography of the Summerset Isles is known. Cloudrest, atop Eton Nir, the highest mountain in Summerset, is an odd mixture of architectural styles, with buildings like strangler vines, built on top of older structures. The oldest, and most isolated, of all ruins there are made of coral, which must have been carried many, many, miles away from the sea.[4] This highly suggests original occupation by the Sload.
The Isle of Artaeum (ar-TAY-um) is the third largest island in the Summerset archipelago, located south of the Moridunon village of Potansa and west of the mainland village of Runcibae. Artaeum is the home of the Psijic Order, the oldest monastic group of Tamriel.
The Isle of Artaeum has idyllic orchards and clear pastures, still and silent lagoons, misty woodlands, and the unique Psijic architecture that seems to be as natural as its surroundings. The Ceporah Tower is a relic from a civilization that predates the High Elves by several hundred years. It is the location of the Dreaming Cavern, which Sotha Sil once used as some sort of portal into the realms of Oblivion, but which has since been sealed off by the Psijics. The Isle of Artaeum was once removed from the world in a similar fashion to Umbriel, but reappeared about 500 years later. The Isle of Artaeum once again disappeared around 100 years before the civil war in Skyrim, and has not been seen since.

Black Marsh is a dense swampland region of southeastern Tamriel, home to the reptilian humanoid race of Argonians and a race of sentient trees known as the Hist. Mer races also use the name Argonia, a reference to an obscure ancient battlefield, to avoid the negative connotations of the term "Black Marsh".[1] Argonians thrive in the foreboding swamps of Black Marsh, a lush and threatening land teeming with poisonous plants and violent predators. The region's tropical climate lends its plants the capacity to overturn all attempts to cultivate them. Foreign agricultural, colonial, and commercial ventures beyond the slave-trade have met with abject failure. The native Argonians organize themselves on the tribal level with success and efficiency, and were only loosely integrated into the ruling Empire.

The earliest inhabitants of the Black Marsh and its environs are believed to have been the Hist, great life-giving trees of unknown capacities. The region presently known as Black Marsh was once part of a much greater landmass within the domain of the Hist, but the greater part of the region was flooded during the wanderings of the humanoid Mer races. "The Hist were bystanders in the Ehlnofey war, but most of their realm was destroyed as the war passed over it. A small corner of it survived to become Black Marsh in Tamriel, but most of their realm was sunk beneath the sea."[2] Argonians came to inhabit Tamriel in small, preliterate communities by the Early Merethic Era.[3]
Canonical information regarding the period in-between the mythic origins of Black Marsh and the rest of the Third Era is sparse. The novellas 2920, The Last Year of the First Era and The Wolf Queen state respectively that the major Black Marsh city of Soulrest had an Argonian battle-chief by 1E 2920,[4] and that Lilmoth had an Argonian priest-king by the first century of the Third Era.[5]
In 1E 2811, Argonian armies from Black Marsh came into conflict with the neighboring Cyrodilic Imperials. The last of these Argonian armies was defeated by a Cyrodilic force.[6] A possible contradiction ensues with an earlier account from Morrowind, which states that "No army of Morrowind or Black Marsh has ever threatened the security of any other Imperial province, let alone the security of Cyrodiil itself,"[7] but this particular passage could be explained in any number of ways, particularly given that the book in question–The Eastern Provinces Impartially Considered—is generally polemical.
Black Marsh was eventually incorporated within the Second Cyrodilic Empire in 1E 2837.[1] Though it is not directly indicated in any in-game lore, a passage in the book A Short History of Morrowind implies that Black Marsh was incorporated into the Empire by treaty or pact rather than by military dominion. "Resdayn was the last of the provinces to submit to Tiber Septim; like Black Marsh, it was never successfully invaded, and was peacefully incorporated by treaty into the Empire as the Province of Morrowind."[8] Imperial domination changed little of the tribal organization of Black Marsh's society, but wrought disastrous changes to its economy as the small farms of Argonian peasants were replaced with massive cash-crop farms and traditional forms of transportation were usurped by foreign methods unsuited to the native terrain. These changes were eventually remedied as the land's administration chose to return to previous methods of business. There have been some small attempts to convert the residents of Black Marsh to the Cyrodilic pantheon of the Nine Divines, but most have been unsuccessful.[9]
During the later years of the Third Era, Black Marsh came into conflict with its Dunmer neighbors to the north in the bloody Arnesian War. The armies of Black Marsh were destroyed, but an Argonian was able to capture and murder an influential Dunmer merchant named Roris,[10] who was later made a saint by the Dunmeri Temple.[11] Interestingly, documents prepared for Lord Vivec by the Tribunal Temple imply that Black Marsh retains control of some historically Dunmer provinces, despite the Dunmer victory in the Arnesian War. In detailing Dagoth Ur's plans, the Temple states that he wishes to "Recover ancient territories stolen by Skyrim and Argonia".[12] The Dunmer and the Argonian races, perhaps unsurprisingly, have a "long standing and bitter hatred for one another".[13]
After the Oblivion Crisis and the beginning of the Fourth Era, Black Marsh seceded from the Empire along with Elsweyr. Morrowind was substantially weakened when the Ministry of Truth became unstable and crashed into Vvardenfell, destroying much of the island. The Argonians of Black Marsh invaded and conquered the crippled Dunmer. In 4E 40, an unknown force known as Umbriel moved over the city of Lilmoth, destroying and killing everything in its path.[14]

Though the First Edition Pocket Guide to The Empire states that Argonians have never left their homeland "except for a relatively intelligent strain called the hist [sic]",[1] this is an error by the writers of the document. Hist are, in fact, great sentient trees worshipping the eternal, immutable, god of chaos, Sithis.[32] Unfortunately, it is difficult to find much about the Hist. The Annotated Anuad provides some information, including that the Hist are one of two races to survive the "twelve worlds of Creation," along with the Ehlnofey and that the Hist had a great homeland sunk beneath the sea by the wars of the Ehlnofey (of course, it must be noted that creation myths are often, indeed, myths).[2]
Many works give the impression of an almost symbiotic relationship between the Argonians and the Hist.[24] One such work suggests that, just as a Khajiit may almost entirely resemble either a human or a cat, Argonians may resemble either humans or lizards depending on how many times "they decide to lick the tree". The Hist sap is known to be related to Argonian sexuality, though nothing more is known on the topic.

Valenwood is a densely forested, sub-tropical province of the Cyrodilic empire that makes up the southwest coastal plain of Tamriel. Valenwood borders Elsweyr to the east and Cyrodiil to the north, partially divided from the latter by the Strid River, and is just across the sea from Summerset Isle. Its landscape consists of rolling hills and light blue rivers, predominantly covered in rainforest and woodland.

Valenwood, as a jungle, was home to quite some interesting creatures. A Pocket Guide to the Empire gives us a list of these; "Before man or mer came to Valenwood, it was home to a salmagundi of creatures and strange civilizations. Centaurs, hippogriffs, satyrs, minotaurs, giants, basilisks, fairy folk, hydra, and intelligent apes all flourished there before the first Aldmeri stepped onto its shores."[1] Like all Elves, the Aldmer had to adapt to their environment, and they became the present day Bosmer. For the support of Y'ffre, in helping them adapt, the Bosmer promised not to harm the forest. The first king of Valenwood, who started the Camoran Dynasty, was King Eplear. He succeeded in uniting the wild Bosmer. He also welcomed other races, especially the Ayleids, who fled from Alessia's slave rebellion. In 1E340, he also welcomed the Empire, agreeing to a trade treaty with the now Ayleid-free men. However, the prophet Marukh's controversial teachings would bring tension between the Camoran Dynasty and the Empire. As a war was brewing, Valenwood killed Skyrim's king, Borgas, in a Wild Hunt, putting the Nords in turmoil for 50 years. The reign of Empress Herta only intensified the conflict between Valenwood and Cyrodiil, as she improved Cyrodilic relations with the Colovian West.
In 1E2714, Valenwood fell to Cyrodiil, due to being weakened by warfare and a plague from the Sload of Thras. The Empire then gave independence to each city of Valenwood, so they would not unite against Cyrodiil. The Bosmer were loyal to Cyrodiil, until the last Akaviri Potentate died in 2E 430. The Camoran Dynasty tried to reestablish power, but failed, due to the cultural differences of each city. Without any main power, the Bosmer warred those around them, such as the Khajiits of Elsweyr, the Colovians of Cyrodiil, and in some cases, each other. Too busy in their quarrels, they were easily defeated by the Maormer of Pyandonea. Their only hope was Summerset Isle. Together they created the Aldmeri Dominion, which was a stable power, unlike many others, until the coming of Tiber Septim. Now stable, Valenwood adopted a new government they called Thalmor, which kept Valenwood stable until its dismantling by Tiber Septim's armies. Tiber Septim allowed them to keep the city-state government, and a Camoran king.
For 50 years the Bosmer were stable until they began to feel annoyed at the Imperial government they were under. The Camoran Usurper rose up during this time, and recruited those who supported him, and killed those that opposed him. He attacked Cyrodiil, and the Bosmer were under his rule for 20 years until they gained the courage to leave his power. Valenwood no longer trusted other races, and isolated itself from the Empire. The Bosmer also started to return to traditional types of living, by surviving in the forest, they could keep away from the hectic political world, and many did. They still were attacked during the Imperial Simulacrum, by both Elsweyr, and Summerset Isles, the latter whom they once called ally.

High Rock is a province in the northwest section of Tamriel. The coastal region is temperate and covered in loose forests; inland, it becomes more rocky and mountainous. Most of the province is inhabited by the Bretons, who have divided the province into multiple Breton city states and minor kingdoms. The southern tip of central High Rock also contains Orsinium, the City-State of the Orcs. High Rock encompasses the many lands and clans of Greater Betony, the Deselle Isles, the Bjoulsae River tribes, and, by tradition, the Western Reach. The rugged highland strongholds and isolated valley settlements have encouraged the fierce independence of the various local Breton clans, resisting integration into a formal province or Imperial identity. Nonetheless, their language, bardic traditions, and heroic legends are a unifying legacy.

It can be rightly said that history begins in High Rock. Convention occurred here, at Adamantine Tower, the oldest structure in existence. The tower was there when Aldmer settled the region and inspired almost every race of mer to create a mimicry of it. Like other provinces, it is believed High Rock was originally inhabited by beasts, but the Aldmer were the first to develop civilization. The Nedes of the region were mostly absorbed by the Aldmer, but eventually a biracial man-mer society arose, and the ancestors of the modern Bretons were born. With the arrival of the Nords (and yet another bloodline) the fall of the Direnni Aldmer of the region was assured. The humans would eventually become the predominant power in High Rock.
The most concrete history of High Rock begins with its most well known colonized family; the Aldmer Direnni Clan. Described by A Pocket Guide to the Empire "As an economic and military power, they were formidable enough to pose a threat to the battle-hardened Nords and the nascent Alessian Empire of Cyrodiil. Taking advantage of the internal strife in Skyrim, the Hegemony began taking land north and south of High Rock, claiming portions of Skyrim and present day Hammerfell. At the peak of their power, they controlled nearly a quarter of Tamriel. But they had overextended their reach, and slowly, year by year, they lost all that they had gained, falling back to their fortress in Balfiera, The Adamantine Tower, now called the Direnni Tower."[1] It is believed the Bretons came to power in High Rock not by violence, but by trading and slowly overcoming the Nordic population. The province of High Rock was controlled by the Bretons by the end of the First Era. The Direnni made an impact on the Breton population, as they left the province split apart into numerous city-states, and they were weak against the other Races of Tamriel. They would not be given peace however, as the Redguard conquest in the 808th year of the First Era caused conflict in settlements along the Iliac Bay. They would have to unite, however, against the Orcs of Orsinium. This fight is known as the Siege of Orsinium, and ends with the destruction of Orsinium. Due to the fall of the Direnni, the Bretons were not heavily affected by the fall of the Cyrodilic Empire, yet did lose some land to Tiber Septim. Still divided, some did unite to try to stop the Camoran Usurper, yet he was not stopped until the Baron of Dwynnen united the citizens of the Iliac Bay against him. The Bretons would not remain united, and went back to fighting one another, and those outside of High Rock, until they had to unite when the Nords reclaimed their land in The War of Bend'r-Mahk, when they fought the Redguards in The War of Betony, and when the Orcs resurrected Orsinium. However they would be united in The Miracle of Peace, also known as the Warp in the West, which is best described in the book of the same name. "The 'Miracle of Peace', also known as the 'The Warp in the West', is celebrated as the product of the miraculous interventions of Stendarr, Mara, and Akatosh to transform this troublesome region into peaceful, well-governed Imperial counties. The catastrophic destruction of landscape and property and the large loss of life attending upon this miracle is understood to have been 'tragic, and beyond mortal comprehension.'"[2] This event transformed High Rock from numerous city-states into five kingdoms.

Morrowind is the province in the northeast corner of Tamriel. It is dominated by the large island of Vvardenfell, but also includes territory on the continental mainland. The Sea of Ghosts lies northeast of Morrowind. Modern Morrowind is home to the Dunmer (Dark Elves).

Historically, Vvardenfell was inhabited by the Dwemer for long ages before the Aldmer arrived in Tamriel. When the Aldmer inhabited Cyrodiil, a group of them were exiled for their choice to worship the Daedra. These exiled Aldmer were led by the prophet Veloth over a mountain range to Morrowind, where they became known as the Chimer and settled with the Dwemer.
However, the two would not live in peace, as disputes over land and religion led to conflict. "While the Dwemer were an agnostic people, preferring reason to faith, the Chimer were staunch Daedra-worshippers, and considered the Dwemer's lack of belief an affront to their gods."[1] They would however unite against a common enemy when the Nords of Skyrim invaded Morrowind in 1E 401. Due to the efforts and budding personal friendship between Indoril Nerevar of the Chimer and Dumac of the Dwemer, the Nords were pushed out by 1E 416. This alliance born out of need formed the First Council and lasted for some time.
This uneasy peace, though, came to an end over the Dwemer God Numidium and the construction of the Heart of Lorkhan by Dwemer Tonal Architect Kagrenac, and the result was The War of the First Council in 1E 668-1E 700. The war climaxed at Red Mountain, the Dwemer main fortress, and ended abruptly when Kagrenac used the Heart and all Dwemer perished in an instant. Nerevar was killed at the end, or shortly after the battle by his former counsel, the Tribunal. Gaining access to Kagrenac's tools, Almalexia, Dagoth Ur, Sotha Sil, and Vivec used them to achieve god-like powers. Daedra God Azura wasn't pleased by this use of the profane tools and cursed the Chimer, turning their skin ashen and their eyes a fiery red, hence becoming known as Dunmer. Red Mountain's massive eruption accompanied the climax of the war, drastically reordering the landscape of the province.
The Tribunal consolidated their power and succeeded turning their people from Ancestor and Daedra worship to the fold of the Tribunal Temple; until recently, the three have had great influence over Morrowind. Cyrodiil sought to incorporate Morrowind into the budding Empire of the Reman Dynasty, perpetrating the bloody Four-Score War. No such conflict occurred at the rise of the Third Empire, and Tiber Septim's ambitions of conquest were fulfilled through diplomacy. Vivec and Tiber Septim reached an agreement in the Armistice of 2E 896. The Dunmer became Imperial citizens and submitted to Imperial occupation and the incursion of Cyrodilic institutions and business interests, but retained formal self-rule, house traditions such as slavery, and religious practices. Vivec secretly supplied the Emperor's agents with the golem Numidium.
After the Oblivion Crisis, the Nords and Orcs launched attacks from the north.[2] Then, the disappearance of Vivec caused the Ministry of Truth to become unstable. Engineers in Morrowind, led by Vuhon, constructed a machine called the Ingenium, powered by living souls, to keep the ministry aloft. When one Dunmer named Ilzheven was chosen to power the machine, her lover Ezhmaar, also known as Sul destroyed the machine to save her life. The plan backfired, however, as the Ministry completed its fall, destroying Vivec City and causing Red Mountain to erupt, covering the rest of Vvardenfell in ash and lava in an event known as "The Red Year". An invasion by the Argonians of Black Marsh forced the remaining Dunmer to scatter all over Tamriel, most notably Solstheim, however some Dunmer are returning to their homeland to rebuild

The ecology of Morrowind as it is today is influenced by several features of the environment. The mountain ranges to the west have isolated the creatures of Morrowind from those of the other provinces, and this has allowed the unique environment created by Red Mountain to shape the flora and fauna to the point where some species depend on the ashfall for survival. Throughout history the eastern lands have been subject to great volcanic activity, and Morrowind shows the signs of this clearly. [3]
Vvardenfell is the setting for the game The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Vvardenfell is mostly a volcanic wasteland, but is swampy near the channel between itself and the mainland, and is slowly recovering after the death of Dagoth Ur. It is littered with Daedric shrines and Dwemer ruins. The focal point of the province is Red Mountain, the great volcano and former Dwemer capital.
Morrowind's Capital City, Mournhold, is the setting for Morrowind's expansion, The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal.
Morrowind is divided into six districts:
Velothis, in the west, bordering Cyrodiil and Skyrim.
Narsis, in the central-western part of the mainland.
Mournhold, making up the central-eastern part of the mainland.
Deshaan, in the south, forming the border with the Black Marsh/Argonia.
Telvannis, the eastern region of the province.
Vvardenfell, the large volcanic island in the north-center of the province.

Cyrodiil, also known as the Imperial Province, is a province in the south-central region of Tamriel, and the home of a humanoid race known as Imperials. The center of their Empire and seat of governance, Cyrodiil is also known as "the Heartland", and forms the setting for the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The capital of Cyrodiil, and of the whole empire, the Imperial City, is located on an island in the center of the province, which bears the location of White Gold Tower, possibly the most renowned monument of Tamriel. Cyrodiil was originally a jungle,[1] but was later changed into a temperate climate by Emperor Tiber Septim

When the Aldmeri landed in the Summerset Isles, they did not move far inland, but told of ancient beasts before men or Mer. Unfortunately, oral tradition only gives unclear glimpses of what they may have looked like. The only definite information of Cyrodiil's history is after the beginning of recorded history when the Ayleids came to call Cyrodiil their home. Described in A Pocket Guide to the Empire, "The Ayleids were ancient Aldmer, cousins of all the elven races that exist to this day. Over time, they became a distinct people, crafting a civilization whose ruins still puzzle and fascinate modern archaeologists and adventurers." The Nedic peoples of the region became slave labor for the Ayleids once man-Mer tensions in Skyrim reached a boiling point. One of the most important events of Cyrodilic history is the slave rebellion of 1E 242. The men and Mer had been fighting in Skyrim for quite a while. This revolt was led by Alessia, who handed the entire region to the insurgent humans. "The heart of Tamriel was going to belong to these former slaves, present day Cyrodilics or Imperials, forever more."[3]
In an alliance with Skyrim, the Alessian Empire pushed to the west towards High Rock which at the time was under the control of the Direnni. Another big change was present at this time: as described in A Pocket Guide to the Empire, "The prophet Marukh's teachings brought both identity to Cyrodiil, codifying the pantheon most civilized Tamriellians worship to this day. It also caused conflict due to the more severe strictures he espoused."[3] The next large event in the history of Cyrodiil occurred in the year 1E 2703: the Akaviri invasion. This event not only affected Cyrodiil, but it brought all of Tamriel together to fight the new threat. The Akaviri were driven off, and the people of Tamriel subsequently became more cooperative with one another. Under the rule of Emperor Reman I, Cyrodiil became cosmopolitan and incorporated aspects of High Rock, Colovian, Nibenese, and even Akaviri culture. The Second Empire of Cyrodiil continued to expand, engulfing almost all of Tamriel. All was normal until the assassination of Emperor Reman III and his son Juilek. The assassinations marked the end of the First Era and the Second Empire. The government was under the control of Akaviri Potentates, and it continued to evolve until the last Potentate was killed in 2E 430. Throughout the rest of the Second Era, Tamriel was in the time known as the Interregnum. Nibenay and Colovia split apart; farms, villages, and even highways were in ruin. Many tried to claim the Imperial throne and this chaos lasted for centuries. The only hope for Tamriel was Tiber Septim. He started the Third Empire and helped Cyrodiil and the rest of Tamriel thrive. The Empire has thrived since then but was weakened by the War of the Red Diamond and The Imperial Simulacrum.
At the end of the Third Era, Tamriel was left with no emperor. In the early Fourth Era, the Empire collapsed and Cyrodiil splintered into many city-states until 4E 17, when Titus Mede led an army to conquer the Imperial City and was crowned the first emperor of the Mede Dynasty. Cyrodiil was again reunited but would face a new era of bloodshed against the Aldermi Dominion starting in 4E 171, triggering the Great War after the Thalmor's ultimatum was rejected by Titus Mede II. Cyrodiil was invaded by the Thalmor, who took the Imperial City by force and committed many atrocities on the helpless population. But the Imperials gain ground when the Imperial Legion retaken the Imperial City during the Battle of the Red Ring, resulting in the destruction of all Aldmeri forces in Cyrodiil. Although the Imperials emerged victorious, they felt they were unable to continue the war and ended the Great War with the signing of the White-Gold Concordat, banning the worship of Talos and ceding a large portion of southern Hammerfell.

The Nibenay Basin: This vast region dominates Cyrodiil, containing all the area that drains into the River Niben. The area around the Imperial City and the Upper Niben is often known as "the Heartlands". East of the river, the region consists of mostly open fields while to the west and north it is more wooded. The Imperial City covers the island in the center of Lake Rumare, the source of the Niben, and the city of Bravil is located on the banks of Niben Bay.
The Great Forest: An immense woodland area just west of the Imperial City.
Colovian Highlands: A hilly, forested region of western Cyrodiil with the town of Chorrol as its main settlement.
The West Weald: The open countryside of southern Cyrodiil that is well known for its vineyards. The city of Skingrad is located here.
The Gold Coast: The western coastline of Cyrodiil that is dotted by farms. The main settlements of the region are the port city of Anvil and the city of Kvatch inland.
Jerall Mountains: A mountain range in northern Cyrodiil on the Skyrim border, containing the town of Bruma.
Valus Mountains: A mountain range in eastern Cyrodiil on the Morrowind border. The city of Cheydinhal is located at the foothills.
Blackwood: A swampland in southern Cyrodiil east of Leyawiin, along the Black Marsh border.

Elsweyr is a province of the Cyrodilic empire that lies on the southern coast of Tamriel. It is bordered by Valenwood on the west and Cyrodiil on the north.
Elsweyr is home to the feline Khajiit. The Khajiiti government is a confederacy held together by the Mane, which are the rarest of the various Khajiit breeds. An important part of Khajiiti culture is the Moon Sugar that is harvested in Elsweyr. Moon Sugar is said to be created by mana falling from the Ja'Kha-jay into the Bay of Topal on the southeastern coast. The waters are then drawn into the sugar plantations of the jungles of Tenmar, which cover much of the southern area of the province.

Elsweyr is home to an ancient civilization that, it is commonly held, predated the coming of mer and men.[1] Though this would be hard to verify, it is known that there were hundreds of cities in the province. Some cities have been buried by the sands of the northwest desert; some have been overgrown by the southern jungles; others have been destroyed by men, mer and Khajiit. It has also been said that the Khajiit roamed Tamriel before other creatures. Described in A Pocket Guide to the Empire: "Topal the Pilot in his peregrinations around Tamriel encountered the Khajiit not in Elsweyr, but far up the Niben River, close to the Imperial City, where they preyed on other native creatures." Also, "...certain parts of Valenwood were to be avoided for fear of the great jungle cat men."[1] It is thought that Khajiit had already developed while other races were only beginning to discover the basic feats of modern life. Historically, Elsweyr was split into a number of smaller states (speculation suggests as many as sixteen states) until the time of the Great Plague that devastated the whole of Tamriel. Only the kingdoms of Anequina and Pellitine are known to have survived this catastrophe intact and they decided at that time to forge an Alliance of Peace, thereby creating a unified confederacy. During the formation of this new nation it is possible that an old Khajiiti proverb was recalled, which ran along the lines of "perfect society is always elsewhere", thus resulting in the union's name. Another possibility is a reference to Llesw'er, a paradise promised to the Khajiit by the Riddle'Thar. Regardless of the name's specific origin, it appears to inspire a sense of optimism that is not likely to be backed by reality. Recently, Elsweyr has been involved in much chaos, it seems only some Manes and the Cyrodilic and Septim Empires brought peace, but only for brief periods of time. Best described in A Pocket Guide to the Empire, "It may be fair to say Elsweyr is in crisis. And it may further be accurate to say that such chaos is home."[1] In 4E 115, a coup backed by the Thalmor dissolved the Elsweyr Confederacy. In its place, the kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine were recreated and became client states of the second Aldmeri Dominion.

Skyrim, the northernmost province of Tamriel, is a cold and mountainous region.[1] It is also known as the Old Kingdom or Fatherland.[1][2] Many past battles have given it a rugged, ravaged appearance.[1][3] Though currently inhabited primarily by the human race of Nords, it was long ago inhabited by elves, who had resided there since time immemorial

The Aldmer and Falmer occupied Skyrim until the late Merethic Era, when the final wave of Nordic immigration, led by Ysgramor, finally drove them out.[1] Settlers from Atmora crossed the Sea of Ghosts and made landfall here many times, often clashing with those who had already established themselves.[3] They often lived in harmony with the Aldmer, though sometimes clashed.[1][4] Ysgramor's clan, who dubbed the land "Mereth" after their elven neighbors, expanded their territory, and it continued to expand and contract by winning and losing territories in Morrowind and High Rock.[1][3][5] Skyrim eventually weakened and separated into multiple states during the War of Succession, which was instigated by political quarrels following the assassination of King Borgas, the last of Ysgramor's dynasty.[1] It was eventually reunited, although some localities technically remained independent kingdoms.[1][3] Henceforth the Moot was only convened when and if the High King died without direct heirs, which has occurred four times since.[1][6] Skyrim engaged in multiple clashes with High Rock over its western Reach, a civil war involving The Wolf Queen of Solitude, an invasion of Cuhlecain's kingdom of Cyrodiil, and wars with Hammerfell and High Rock during the Imperial Simulacrum.[1][3] Redguards and Bretons are still giving resistance today, as The War of the Bend'r-mahk expanded Skyrim into territory traditionally held by Hammerfell and High Rock.[3] Resistance is mostly encountered in the cities of Jehenna and Elinhir and along the border to those provinces.[3] In 4E 201, the High King was killed, and for the first time since the Pact of Chieftains ended the War of Succession, a civil war could not be averted amongst the Nords.

Hammerfell is a province in the west of Tamriel, bordering Skyrim, Cyrodiil, and High Rock. This province is dominated by the wasteland of the Alik'r desert. It is inhabited by the human race of Redguards, who fled to Tamriel after their home, Yokuda, was destroyed.
Hammerfell is predominately an urban and maritime province, with most of its population confined to the great port and trade cities. The interior is sparsely populated with small poor farms and beastherds. The Redguards love to travel, adventure, and the high seas have dispersed them as sailors, mercenaries, and adventurers in ports of call throughout the Empire.

Hammerfell's original name was Volenfell, given to it by the Rourken Clan of Dwemer during the First Era. It is said that the leader of the clan threw his mighty hammer, Volendrung, across the continent, and followed it to their new home (This scene is depicted on many frescos in Ruins throughout the region.) The Rourken were opposed to the creation of the joint Dwemer-Chimer state of Resdayn, which prompted their move westward. It was later named Hegathe by the Aldmer and Deathland by the Nedic peoples, before the Redguards arrived and named it Hammerfell, translated from the Dwemeris.
The fate of the Volenfell Dwemer, like that of all Dwemer, remains a mystery, as they all disappeared at some time during the First Era. However, Hammerfell did not stay uninhabited for very long. A great cataclysm sank the continent of Yokuda to the west, forcing the ancestors of modern Redguards eastward, toward Tamriel. They originally landed on the isle of Herne, and the Ra Gada warriors, eventually rendered into the common tongue as 'Redguard', went on to Tamriel, paving a bloody trail through the native Men and Mer for the Yokudans to settle. Assimilation into the rest of Tamriel began relatively quickly, as the Yokudans, while displacing the Men, had adopted many of their customs and traditions.
Hammerfell was conquered by the Second Empire in the Second Age, during which time the Ra Gada warriors were finally granted semi-equal rights to the Na-Totambu ruling class. During the Interregnum (See Cyrodiil), however, the Na-Totambu regained control, making the Ra Gada a subservient class again. The capital was moved from Old Hegathe to the merchant power of Sentinel, capital of the province to this day.
After the death of Thassad II, the Ra Gada took Sentinel by force, resulting in the bloodiest massacre in Hammerfell history, at the hands of Crown Prince A'tor. Tiber Septim and the Third Empire were called to help, defeating A'tor's forces at the Battle of Hunding Bay. Hammerfell then became a province of the Third Empire.
After the Oblivion Crisis, Hammerfell remained a part of the Empire during the Stormcrown Interregnum, which ended when Titus Mede seized the Imperial City and was proclaimed Emperor. During the Great War against the Thalmor-led Aldmeri Dominion, Hammerfell fought with the rest of the Empire, and was invaded by the Thalmor forces. When the war ended, Emperor Titus Mede II ceded a portion of southern Hammerfell to the Dominion and outlawed worship of Talos throughout the Empire. The Redguards, outraged, continued to defy the White-Gold Concordat, forcing Titus Mede II to release Hammerfell as its own, independent state.
The Redguards eventually forced a stalemate with the Dominion, leading to Aldmeri forces withdrawing completely from Hammerfell.

I love moon sugar, and skooma. Orsinium is a depressing place, so I did not include information about it.

Thanks to in game lore books and UESP wiki, both give me raging hard ons.


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