Tactical Telepathy™
Tag: [TcT] Fans: 2 Erstellt: 10.10.2012


We are Tactical Telepathy,

Tactical Telepathy is a new clan with ambitions, we want to become a top clan and beat the rest!
We will offer you a different experience in BF3, trying to be the most tactical clan.

We believe that teamwork is key in all clans, no matter how good the tactics are, if we do not have teamwork then it will not work against other clans. That is why we will be focusing alot on teamwork at this current 'building' stage!

If you are interested in joining us, you should friend request us.

In "Telepathy" we will test your ability to work together with your team, and how you act to directives.

You must,

- Be a teamplayer.
- Have reasonable stats.
- Be good with the assault/engineer class.
- Follow directives.
- Ready for clanbattles.

Apply or friend request us & we will test your skills!


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