EP Texas Gaming
Tag: [EPTG] Web: Offizielle Website Fans: 52 Erstellt: 12.12.2012


EPTG is an adult community of gamers that officially opened its doors back in October of 2003 as El Paso Enemy Territory. We began as a small group of dedicated Enemy Territory players, and quickly grew into a close-knit community that has continued strong to this day. After nine great years of offering various games, we now offer Battlefield 3 as our primary community game offering.

WE ARE NOT A CLAN, and we don't scrim with other clans or have professional tryouts. We are NOT looking for the best players out there. We ARE, however, looking for the absolute best PEOPLE to join our great community. If you want to play with adults who care about no-nonsense team play, this is the place for you! We stream to Metabans and PBBans to keep the hackers out. We do not tolerate cheaters, racism, disrespect, or any other "tard-specific" behavior. We also run TeamSpeak 3 for voice chat for our members... so be sure to stop by and check us out.

For all of you BF3 players new to EPTG, come on over to our community website and register. We are ALWAYS accepting new members. So, come on in, make some friends, and stay awhile. Come join the best damn gaming community out there! All you have to do is sign up....

EPTG Website: www.eptexasgaming.com
Teamspeak 3: ts4.gameservers.com:9120 or Password is eptexasgaming.com


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