Strike Force Gaming
Tag: [SFG] Web: Offizielle Website Fans: 8 Erstellt: 28.01.2012


Platoon/Clan Name: Strike Force Gaming
Full Member Tag: SFG
Recruit Tag: SFGr
PreFurd Turd Member Tag: pTF
Location/Timezone: Eastern -- but we have members from all over the world.
Server Location: Chicago, IL, USA

Are you tired of the following?

• Squading with randoms.
• Squad mates focusing their stats instead of repairing your vehicle, reviving, providing ammo, or otherwise having your back.
• Coordinating by typing rather than voice communication.
• Blindly hopping into a vehicle only to be lead to the respawn screen.
• Playing on poor performing and/or mismanaged servers.

If so, read on..SFG may be right for you.

Our mission:

To provide our members and community with a high performance, hack free, safe, and fun Battlefield environment. We do this with an emphasis on teamwork and communication throughout our team.

Why should you join? We offer the following benefits:

• Top quality BF3, Medal of Honor, Medal of Honor Warfighter, ARMA2/DayZ, BC2, and BC2: Vietnam servers. Many have been ranked top 10 in the world. Visit our Arsenal Page to see a list of our current servers. When available, reserved slots are assigned to members that donate towards costs. In addition, server administration privileges may be earned, but are not mandatory.
• Teamspeak 3 server for coordination and comradery – we find this nets better results on the Battlefield.
• Clan website with up to date news, videos, and clan activity.
• Fun activities, such as clan matches, clan night, fantasy football, contests, ect.
• Lots of advice and tips from out experienced members, many who have played since the inception of Battlefield.
• Squad members, who will fix your vehicle, revive, provide ammo, and have your back rather than focusing on their statistics.
• Good mix of fun and serious gaming. Kick your feet up and decompress from your day of work, school, honey do lists, etc.
• Mature players (over 18). No room for crybabies, drama queens, or rage quitters.
• No ranks, everyone is equal.
• Members are free to choose the class and loadout they play with. You know how you like to play.

Are you right for us?

All members are required to idle/seed our servers, so we have a place to play, check and reply in the forums and a donation if you want admin rights on our servers. Kill/Death ratio, Score per Minute, and level are not requirements. Instead we focus on members with the following traits:

• Eagerness to coordinate and focus on tactics and teamwork (no lone wolves). Members must have a microphone and install TS3.
• Mature players over 18 years of age.
• English speaking.
• Good natured and fun. We already have a lot of fun; we hope you can add to it.
• Be respectful of other members – everyone is equal.
• Ability to lead and follow.
• Active players, who love the Battlefield series.
• Free from hacks, cheats, boosting, glitching, etc.
• Members that check the forums and post in the forums 1 time per week (Required)
• Members that donate towards server fees and other costs (Donations are not required)
• Members that use teamspeak

If you have any questions feel free to respond to this thread or visit us at

Thank you for your consideration. We hope to see you on the battlefield soon!


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