BF3 Community Server
Tag: [BCS] Fans: 10 Erstellt: 11.12.2012


Welcome to the BF3 community server platoon page.

The purpose of this platoon page is to ...

1) Outline user rules
2) Outline admin guidelines and tips
3) Detail and discuss server map rotations

This is NOT a clan page so please do not wear the BCS tag.


SERVER NAME: BF3 Community Server. Great Maps, 200% Tickets, Everyone Welcome
SERVER DESCRIPTION: No rules except play fair and play the objective. Search for 'BF3 Community Server' on battlelog platoon pages for more server info.


1) Play fair
2) Play the objective

If you break the rules then expect to find yourself on the opposing team or kicked.

Examples of breaking the rules ...

1) excessive base raping in conquest, you should fall back and allow the opposing team to take a flag
2) taking a jet for the sole purpose of jet ramming
3) using vehicles to team kill
4) sending admins abusive messages


1) Try to only kick/ban if
- the server rules are broken
- you/friends need to get into the server when it is full
- a player CLEARLY has awful ping which is ruining the game for everyone. (they are CONSTANTLY freezing, disappearing and then reappearing in a completely different spot then drop you) . We just need to make sure though that this doesn't end up as the easy excuse to kick someone just cuz they are owning.

2) Only change the map rotation if there are no other admins playing on the server, if admins are already playing then check with them to see if they are happy for the rotation to be changed

3) Only change to non-vanilla rotations if the server isn't full of noobs (as they probably will not non-vanilla maps)

4) Keep the teams balanced so that the game remains competitive, even if this means moving yourself/friends/clan mate to the opposing team or moving all the noobs to your team

5) Keep the server ban list cleared out, if it reaches more than 15 it will kill the server (known issue)


Note, on a custom PS3 server it is only possible to have 5 custom map rotations. We should have 4 pre-agreed rotations available that can be selected and 1 custom rotation that admins can change as and when needed if they want to put something a little different on.

Note, all rotations should use standard settings (ie. no hardcore or instant vehicle spawn, etc)

ROTATION 1: 'Server Filler', 200% Tickets ...
- Caspian Border TDM
- Grand Bazaar TDM
- Damavand Peak TDM
- Noshahr Canals TDM
- Kharg Island TDM
- Operation Firestorm TDM
- Seine Crossing TDM

ROTATION 2: 'Vanilla warfare', 200% Tickets ...
- Operation Metro CNQ
- Caspian Border CNQ
- Grand Bazaar CNQ
- Kharg Island CNQ
- Seine Crossing CNQ
- Operation Firestorm CNQ

ROTATION 3: 'Premium warfare', 200% Tickets ...
- Epicenter CNQ
- Strike at Karkand 5 Flag CQA
- Markaz Monolith CNQ
- Sharqi Peninsula 3 Flag CQA
- Azadi Palace CNQ
- Armoured Shield CNQ
- Wake Island 3 Flag CQA
- Talah Market CQA
- Gulf of Oman CNQ

ROTATION 4: 'Plant the bomb' 100% Tickets ...
- Markaz Monolith RUSH
- Armoured Shield RUSH
- Tehran Highway RUSH
- Epicenter RUSH
- Death Valley RUSH
- Damavand Peak RUSH
- Talah Market RUSH
- Bandar Desert RUSH
- Noshahr Canals RUSH
- Azadi Palace RUSH
- Alborz Mountains RUSH

ROTATION 5: 'Custom', XXX% Tickets ...
- This rotation can be changed by admins whenever they like. Just remember that if it is currently in use by another admin to check first.


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